Aug 13, 2005 22:24
So, I totally had a WONDERBOYS moment last week. As some of you know, I've been doing some publishing work this summer. The other day, I threw a file folder box filled with a 430 page manuscript into the back of my car and headed for the 405. I hit the freeway with my windows all rolled down and was doing a comfortable 70 mph when suddenly the inside of my car was engulfed in a swirling cloud of papers. I started yelling and frantically trying to roll up all my windows. I only lost two pages, and two more got half-crumpled when they were caught in the windows as I rolled them up, but it sure was a bitch putting them all back in order. The whole event cracked me up, was one of those things I wish I could have witnessed from someone else's vehicle.
"Do you get high, Sam?"
"Only when I"m working."