Jul 29, 2004 21:07
Wooo, I would just like to say HOORAY for my first real journal entry. This would not have been possible with out the hard efforts of Mia for beautification purposes and giving me the motivation to write this lovely first real entry and to my mother for bringing me up to be the communist rebel 80's luv child which I am...not that the latter has anything to do with this journal, the description just sounds creative and interesting.
* Note to self - write an entry about 'positive thinking theory' one day.
So right, yeh, first journal entry...
My sister's boyfriend got one of those new Macca's (grrr... uck) toys; the racing car one, and I played it, and I lost, then I played again, then I lost, then I played again, then I lost....etcetc but then I won so now I will never have to play it again.
I wish i knew how to post pictures but I don't... I've decided that I would like to continue this journal entry writing on a regular stonerage basis i.e. when stoned :p
I wish I had a windchime in my room :( and I wish i could write on my walls :(
My cat bit my face and it bleed. I bit her back and then blew smoke in her face so she sneezed. hehehe was so cute. Um, that's my day.
Over & Out