Jan 05, 2006 03:08
Another night of being awake and being booored as heck. Right now im extremely pissed off. Well actually im not mad that much, because its really funny. I dont get why people these days think they're tight ass shit and can make people like someone...haha...whatever.
Last night i was laying in my bed thinking of a good New Years resolution and i couldnt come up with shit, maybe it should be...
"This year i plan of NOT falling in love"
Only because Josh kinda made me think that can only end up bad. That ass. Iduno i'm kinda hoping that he was just a bad person to fall in love with and maybe just maaaaybe love actually is better and more real then getting hurt all the time. Well of course it is...just when that will happen for me...who knows. I cant wait for May to come. Thats when the best time of my life is going to start. Big birthday party...Disneyland...and then summer after that. This summer i'm never gonna be home. I want to travel like crazy. Maybe thats my new years resolution...to travel everywhere and meet new people yesssss. People from myspace..haha and vainspace...oh jeez...lame. It sounds lovely though. Then in august its back to Del Campo..kinda lame but everyone will be back this year so it just might be fun. Then after that...its my big year break. I wait for Mercedes to go to DC another year...and right when she's 18...we move. Well we're not gonna move far, who knows but all i know is we're going to move together hopefully and then we're both gonna go to school. Haha, well thats what im hoping. I have my whole life planned out...noooot! All i know is i want to travel everywhere...not like different countries pfft im too poor for that. I just want to go everywhere and meet everyone!!
Hi, im lame.
Well iduno but this lj is the gayest lj ever...done deal.