Feb 07, 2005 10:12
Today I learned that the decision in which the several same-sex couples were granted marriage licenses and states that barring such marriages is unconstitutional is being appealed by the city today. I am having one of these conflict of interest issues, where the law office I work for is fighting strongly against something I believe in. The conflict over same -sex marriage is a religious one,and granting civil marriages outside of churches should not be barred. These same sex couples deserve the same rights and privilages that straight married couples receive.
Mayor Bloomberg, basically being two faced told gay rights groups yesterday he personally is for gay marriage but that as mayor he must fight the decision and appeal the granting of these marriage licenses. So today, my co-worker is writing up the Notice of Appeal which in theory is pretty cool that we get so up close to the big issues, but at the same time, makes me conflicted. Can I continue to work for a place which sometimes does things I am against? The last time it was a domestic violence appeal which we won that solidified the position that children of women who were victims of Domestic Violence should be taken away, because the women allowed them to be exposed to it, even when the children are not abused necessarily. In the powerless position most victims of abuse are in, do they realistically have the ability to shield their children from the abuse. Should they be punished and have their children taken away? I could name other cases where I felt weird about working to appeal decisions I believed were the right ones.
The city has all the power, and now I finally understand that I work for the benefit of politicans and the bureaucracy:-/