Jan 31, 2007 08:48
The company I work for will soon be closing. This has been happening for a long time, but it looks like it's finally real. My last day is this friday. They are being very cool about everything and they will be continuing mine and Dommie's insurance through the end of Feb. fully paid.
We got a ton of office supplies for the house and creative supplies for Dommie since most of what's here will be thrown away or donated.
I will be continuing with school full-time and then we will be pulling Dommie out of daycare for the days I'm not in school. So Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I will be a stay at home mom. We've budgeted everything pretty carefully and though things may be a little tight we can definitely do it. Plus it will be great to be able to focus more on Dommie and on school.
Hope all is well with all of you!