The End.

May 28, 2010 09:32

I don't know how long this post will turn out to be, but it's basically me gushing about Lost (and by Lost I mean Jack and Kate, and possibly Sawyer and Juliet among a few other ships), so if that's not your thing just ignore me, mmkay?

Sunday was probably one of the most emotional nights in my life. I know it sounds as if I'm being dramatic but if I'm telling the truth watching the final episode of Lost truly did feel like the end of an era. When Lost began in 2004 I can remember sitting with my family trying to figure out what the heck was going on, and I can remember my Dad saying something like "Oh, this show won't last. How long can they keep something about a plane crash on the air?"...Apparently, six years. An emotional, mind-bending, thought-prevoking six years.

The pairing that surpised me the most on Sunday was the reunion of Sayid and Shannon. Back in the day (when they were all alive on the Island and things weren't so scary yet), I liked them together. I had even heard that she'd be back. I just wasn't expecting to see them; to see confirmation there that they were supposed to be together. It was just a shock I guess, given how over the years we've been lead to assume his soulmate was Nadia. PB&J--Charlie and Claire, of course, was one of the sweetest moments of the night. Seeing them both there as they got their brain meld and Baby Aaron was born. It was a moment I still get a little teary over thinking about.

And of course there's Sawyer and Juliet. To be honest I've never cared for him that much, but there's something about these two that I kind of like actually. They brushed past each other near the elevator and I remember jumping a little at thinking their brainmeld would happen then. But it didn't. It wasn't until later at the snack machine when they connected. I still had no idea what this world was and why they were crossing over into the Island time as well, but that moment. Guys. That moment was awesome. When they talked of having coffee and he mentioned how he didn't have much money. And then that flash happened. "We could go Dutch." *cries*

I've saved the best for last, naturally. JATE. Oh, Jate. I knew. I knew they were fate all along and I knew they'd team up to kill FLocke together, but I wasn't expecting to get as much as we got. When they were leaving for the boat and he told her she had to go, my heart broke a little because I knew that was that. I knew they wouldn't see each other again--at least in this life. She turned to him and then this little moment that us Jaters have been waiting for years for happened. ("I love you." "I love you, too.")...and THEY KISSED. They didn't just kiss like it was something normal and that they were used to. No. That was a "I love you more than words can really say and I'm sort of scared to death right now, so please let's just hang on to this moment" kiss. It's very rare in fandom for both members of an OTP to say ILY, let alone at the same time (trust me...I know), but that moment was almost worth the years of bitter crap and insults Skaters have put us through for years.

Because then something else happened. In the other world, in Limbo, Jack and Kate met. For once she seemed like the one who was sure...all her life she had been running, but in this instance she was running TO HIM. "I've missed you SO much." I mean really, how much more proof do you need, people? *sighs*. The church was probably one of the most epic scenes I've ever witnessed. Listening to Christian's speech and seeing Jack come to his own realization. They created this special place for each other, to see one another again before crossing over into heaven. When he walked in and Kate was literally beaming...I'm pretty sure I died only to be brought back again as they sat down together, happy and at last complete.

Jack died saving the Island and his friends, ultimately completing his destiny. Yes, Kate might have left the island but that was to complete hers. To reunite Claire with Aaron. In the end, just as Jack's eye closed, he knew he had succeeded. It was tragic and sad, but a part of me wants to believe that in that moment he saw what was going on. He saw that he'd make it--just as she would--safe on the other side.

That's it, folks. Lost is over. Done. I can try and explain it away or bury myself under the covers and pretend like this isn't real. Except it is. I have had to most incredible journey through the show with some amazing friends. My girls especially, but all of you others as well. No to mention the ones who've either woken me up or not gotten mad at me when I've done the same at nearly 2 AM to discuss/rant/squee. While everyone else thought I was crazy for caring this much, you guys got it. You understood. For that, you're the best friends I could ever ask for. (Yeah, you knew I had to get mushy somewhere.)



jate, fandom, lost, memories

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