Okay, so obviously he'll probably never read this, and chances are even if he does it won't actually do anything because I know how many people are tweeting him about what happened last night.
This is basically me venting about Bones for a few paragraphs so if you'd like to be amused/vent with me then read on. Spoilers are included obviously, if you have yet to see the episode.
I...liked it? I don't know. The case as a whole was shoddy, which was easy to considering how distracted they both were, but I still feel like the actual details should have been more interesting. Also, props to Hart and Co for going all metaphorical for once in this one. The hoarder kept everything, which held him back from certain things in his life. Was that a reference to the BB relationship? I think so. But I have to ask--the ep was supposed to be laced with references to The End in the Beginning. I saw the clock. And I guess the hotwing/celery statue thing but I'm not sure what that one means so I don't know if it counts. Are we supposed to take that poetically at the end; how obviously they'll end up together by the end, and this is their beginning, because once they return they'll want to be together even more?
I was spoiled. I knew that they'd be leaving. Well, I knew one of them at least would leave, and through the show I started getting this feeling like maybe Brennan would change her mind and possibly even follow Booth to Afghanistan because that's what women do when they're in love on TV. They make really grand gestures (Mer and the candle house, anyone? I may have a Grey's post coming later, btw)...even if they don't know what it all means. By the way, this is where I sort of love Brennan because she admits to Ange (props to Hart for including an actually legit conversation between them, btw, not laced with falseness and all that) that she's not sure what her partnership with Booth means. She's scared of losing him and of him getting hurt and of what it might mean now that there's this thing between them.
Yeah, so the only part I wasn't prepared for was the end. Someone tweet that they would need 200 extras. That was NOT 200 people, I am sorry. I figured it'd be the airport, but still. She told Hodgins of ALL people "I love you, too." It was friendship, of course, but when has she ever said that to anyone? Then her and Cam--who basically hated each other when she was first on the scene--hugged and they acknowledged how Brennan was basically in charge the whole time. I don't even remember what if anything she said to Ange, because then Booth showed up in his fatigues and I started hyperventilating because, like Cam who was all "Oh My God." I was expecting Brennan to run into his arms or kiss him...SOMETHING. But did that happen? No.
For anyone that follows me on Twitter, you know about the freaking adorable Dave/Em handholding on Monday. THAT was cute, however technically inappropriate it was given that Jaime was somewhere in the vicinity. Booth and Brennan holding hands and looking all sad and Brennan being all "You'll be in a warzone in a few days. Don't be a hero...please, don't be yourself." right before he looked like he was going to kiss her? That was flat out sad. OH, and if that didn't rip my heart out then the Booth stopping in the hallway and turning around only to NOT call her name followed by Brennan not running back to where he was and hugging him to death did.
I'll be first to admit the whole "We'll meet in one year at the coffee cart by the reflecting pond" thing is made of epic romantic feeling but...really? Which leads me to me next LJ cut...
Oh, and have you heard? SN said in a recent EW blurb w/Ausiello that "There is the possibility of one or two recurring characters next season. I'm not saying it will happen, but it could."....Um, WTF. How much do you want to bet they go all Ross and Rachel with this? You know, Brennan's standing there by the coffee cart looking all happy and nervous, preparing what to say to him because FINALLY she's realized that she's in love with him and wants that relationship. But then her face changes into this...look.
*cut to a shot of Booth walking up with another woman. Maybe they're engaged or maybe they're just dating but either way it tears Brennan up inside* or...*cut to Brennan and Booth hugging and then her being all 'I need to tell you something-" before he cuts her off and goes "Hey, I want you to meet somebody."*
Except I don't want that to happen. If he brings someone back with him that would suck on so many levels and my heart would break for them again, but...I still feel like the coffee scene should be just them. You know, 'What goes on between us is OURS."--It was pretty obvious there was some implication when he told her he'd meet her there, sort of like he was giving her time to work through things and then they'd finally cave. Except now probably not, but he should still let that moment be just them.
All I'll say at this point is that an s7 might not be so concrete, depending on how s6 goes.