Sep 05, 2005 19:51
-are you Against it or With it-
1. Gay\Lesbian?idc, theyre not hurting anybody. everyone needs love lol
2. War in Iraq? against...b/c i have friends there
3. Racism? against...
4. Real animal fur coats? i think theyre hideous, & against
6. Gay\Lesbian marriage? long as theyre happy
7. Arnold Schwartzenegger?uhhh...dont care
8. George Bush? i never really cared...but now w/ the whole him waitin three days to help the huricane victims...kinda against
9. 'one nation under God' KEPT in the pledge of allegiance? sure,
10. Violent video games? dont care
-What would you do 4 a £1million
1. Would you make out with a member of the same sex¿ probably...LOL
2. Would you eat a spider?probably not
3. Would you stay at a deserted island for 3 days with no food or water given to you...just the stuff on the island¿ prolly
4. Would you steal a car? dunno
5. Would you eat someone elses booger¿ thats wrong
6. Would you go streaking? a DUH
7. Wash your hair in a toilet¿ definately...if it was clean.
8. Dig through poop? if i had gloves on, and a mask.
9. Would you get buried alive for five minutes¿ oh no
10. Would you take a bath in a tub of leeches? def. not
-IF u were in this situation, wut would u do-
1. If a crazy guy was chasing you...cry
2. If you were drowning... swim lol...good ideal hay
3. If you were stuck in an elevator...hit the call for help button and yell and cuss at the guy...been there dun that...ryte amber? yep yep...26th floor
5. If someone broke into your house...hope to god we had insurance lol
6. You were trapped in a closet and the building was on fire...freak out, b/c i would be in a tight space and a fire would be goin on, so i would once again kill myself
7. If you had to move to Iraq...i wouldnt
8. If you were being held hostage...hope someone would rescue me, or just cry
9. If you were trapped in the trunk of someones car...hope it had an exscape button like my sisters mazda 6 or my cuzins
10. If your boyfriend told you he had genital would he know? uh prolly dr. i dunno
-Ten Questions About your Sibling-
1. Brother or Sister? a sister and bro in law
2. Older or Younger than you? older
3. Is he\she cool?uhh...sure....
4. How often do you fight?bout everyday
5. Do you guys get along well?sometimes
6. What bothers you most about him\her?uhm...jessie just bugs me and wes is friends w/ that sumbody and he rubs him and his g/f in my face ALL THE TIME
7. Is he\she cute [its ok to answer this lol]? well me and jess look just u can judge...she is prettier than me....and wes...i dunno cant think of em that way
8. Does he\she play any sports? What sports?my sis used to be a cheerleader...and wes...nope
9. What is his\her name?Jessie and Wesley
10. Has he\she ever lied to you parents for you? wes duz bout my partying and jessie i just dont tell her.
-If you could-
1. If you could have anything you ever wanted, what would it be? sumone to luv me
2. If you could pause time, when would you pause it?uhm...when me and that one person are together alone...not like that...but we talk bout EVERYTHING then
3. If you could rewind time, how far back would you rewind it to?the summer before eight grade b/c thats when we were really close
4. If you could fast forward time, when would you fastforward it to? when im 18
5. If you could be whatever you wanted to be when you grew up, what would you be?uh...sounds stupid b/c i dress like a bum...but a fashion designer...b/c i always have neat ideals bout sum clothes...or a cosmotoligist
6. If you could pick any guy to love you, and want to marry you, who would you pick? duh...petie
7. If you could help anyone in the world, who would you help? the poor ppl...and the huricane ppl
8. If you could see into the future, and you knew something bad was going to happen to you, what would you do? try to prevent it....
9. If you could trade places with ANYBODY for two days, who would it be? i might trade with someone less fortunate to realize how thankful i should be, or trade with someone filthy rich to see how unfortunate i am lol. agree w/ ya hay...again
10. If you could fly, where would you go? sumwere deserted to have some alone time to think and cry
so ya thanx hay...gave me sumtin to do. But anywayz...ava im glad to kno that u will be there for me. but ya i do luv em that much...its crazy. i dunno...ppl are like u talk bout him to much...but i cant help it. think if mike was w/ sumone else and u had to see him everyday and listen to ur sister and brother in law talk bout his g/f all the time! its bad...ya. but anyways...i hope we never fyte again...i luv u sooo much...dnq. was pretty boring. i watched my nephew for an hour. then sat here and then went and seen my moms friend...well thomas has been askin when i was gonna come see him and he lives wayyyy out in bfe but its like less that mile away from my moms i call him and i was like r u gonna be home for a min. and i told him y and he was like uh no im leavin i was like w/e...and he was like ill call ya l8r...i just hung up. ya he is a nutter petie...but i dont luv him...just kinda like him. lol. but its soo annoying b/c when i think bout him all i can do is compare him to petie. but he is nuttin to petie. so ya...but im gonna go...luv ya sweets!