Jan 08, 2006 12:05
Well, hello everybody.. Long time no write but who cares.. I'm just going to rant for a little bit about different things that have been bothering me lately..
Rant #1: I like when you think you and your brother are getting close and becoming friends, but then you realize he was just using you the whole time to try to get closer to your friend which ultimately left him getting in her pants while I'm just here.. Yay, for brothers!
Rant #2: It's funny how it took me several months to finally realize what an asshole this certain guy is.. All he tries to do is get into girl's pants and once he has succeeded he just moves on ultimately breaking the girl's heart. (not mine, but close) He's clearly just an inconsiderate prick who is searching for something in his life but will never find it b/c he's going about searching for it in the wrong way.. He just tries to make a lot of money and fucks a substantially large amount of women.. Ha, boys will be boys, even if their age shows that they should be a man by now.. Pathetic.
Rant #3: I pretty much hate my life right now.. Work has been unbearable for the most part.. Can't stand it.. Will probably search for a new job soon, unless I have a sudden change of heart.. Not to mention school will be starting up and I have some actual classes that require knowledge.. I suck..
Rant #4: Ok, one thing that totally irks me, is when I go to the gym, and I see guys or girls, (it's usually guys) working out in either jeans, like doc martin type boots, or any other type of gear that is NOT work out gear.. I dunno if this bothers other people, but I find it to be quite vexing..
Hmmm... I suppose this is all that's been on my mind lately.. Well, until next time!