What Famous Leader Are You?personality tests by similarminds.com Hum, very intersting...
I think that the world is coming to an end. Why? Well boy has called me 3 times in the past 24 hours. This is a record!! The better part of it is that I have not called him! Its been all on his own prompting. Though, I think the main reason is he is concerned that I caught what he had. I am feeling ok but not 100% but I am attributing that to the stresses of this job.
Ok a rant about people in this department. I understand students need things (like paper for the computer lab) but really people don't come in and demand me to do things because I don't like being told to do something when they have no right to tell me what to do. You can ask nicely and I will get it done faster than if you demand me to do it. Then faculty- ARGH! Really just because I am a secretary doesn't mean I'm stupid. I graduated in 4 years, I have a degree- in a quasi related field, and I am smart (or so I pretend)! You don't have to act like I don't know how to do anything because really, I can do that better than you probably think I can. I may be blond but I am fairly logical (yes I do have my moments for the blond color but really not THAT often). ARGH!
Then what happened to the first sign up then its their right to be in the class. Its not our fault that they were slow in registering, they should have planned on getting stuff in. Now there is some stupid under the table crap going on and its stupid because the student was dumb and didn't get registered on time and now he wants a special class. My god, what do you have to do to be a little more smart? Its not like they aren't going to teach the class next semester! ARGH!
Ok thats the end of my rant. Tonight boy is supposed to call so that will give me something to look forward to! Very exciting that is if he keeps up the calling thing! Well only 35 more minutes to go. About time!!