This only took me about an hour to write, AIM is really distracting!!

Apr 14, 2005 13:00

Today is one of those days that one needs to end right now. ARGH! So I went to the new physical therapist and he says (well, he probably said it in fewer words but oh well) that I am very flexible but I don't have any coordination because of this flexibility. Well I know I don't have any coordination, I've known that for how many years? But he seems nice and he is having me do a lot more than the other place and that is good right? He also did a "deep tissue massage" and that HURT like hell! I am now in more pain than I was at the therapist and my leg has started to go numb again. I have come to the conclusion that my body hates me. So I am going in on Saturday at 7AM!!! I am going to die, its Saturday and I should be able to sleep in!! ::sigh:: Though, if it helps then it'll be ok...

Boy is confusing me to the black abis. I haven't a clue as to what is going on and I probably wont know for a while. SO I haven't a clue and the confusion keeps growing so in the end the changing religions and becoming a nun is sounding more and more appealing. Though, like Caitlin said- there wouldn't be a wedding for everyone to attend and that would just suck! ;)

What else, my life is not dull by any means but its still on the blah stage. Tonight I have a meeting with the Alum Association officers so that will bring a nice change into the picture and my family will be leaving tonight so it should be a good calm weekend. I also have to decide if I want to work at the country club on Sunday from 9-7ish. I don't mind helping out because I said that I would and I am not doing anything, per-say, but I don't necessarily want to take it. What do you think?? I have a side I am leaning towards but I haven't totally decided... So I will need to do that tonight... Ah, ok I need to go and do a check request. BLAH...
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