Apr 24, 2005 17:29
Although, with the way I was driving today.. I could have killed three people. Haha.
I've been a pretty busy girl this weekend. First weekend (sat. & sun.) that I've had off since I started working at Walmart.. 11 months ago. I've had fun all weekend too which is super awesome.
I have a car to use all week.. to go places at night. AND I'm taking my car Thursday.. to hopefully get the tail lights fixed or rigged to a toggle switch or something. Yay!
:: Anyway, for those who care or wonder.. here's why I haven't been around ::
Friday: Worked until 9:30.. Went to the store and got alcohol and food. Went to Evanica's and cooked the food.. Waited for Matt & Andrew to get off work and head over... Fed the guys and played our twisted version of Battle Of The Sexes. (Everytime you miss a question.. You have to take a shot of sour apple pucker) Left Evanica's around 2 and headed home. Andrew stayed over.
Saturday: Mom left for Cali. Andrew and I went up to Iowa City. We played cosmic miniature golf. It was fricken awesome. Mini golf inside a "store" spot in the mall.. with nothing but blacklights and what not. Super fun! He bought me a super kool Green Day hooded t-shirt. And took me to Peking Buffet for Chinese food. Then we headed home.. Picked up my cousin and Randy.. came back to my place and had a birthday/going away party for Randy. Andrew kicked our asses at Scrabble.. and we watched a movie and drank. Good times.
Sunday: (Today for those who didn't know =P) Woke up and cleaned up all the beer bottles.. Went to an early lunch.. Took my cousin over to Randy's.. Put a big chunk in my wallet by getting gas.. Went out to Ottumwa with my brother Chris and his girlfriend Jenny. But the place we were going to was closed.. so we went to super walmart instead and picked up a few things.. went to dinner.. and drove home.
On the way out there.. I went to pass this fricken slow ass car on the two lane highway.. and as I was in the other lane (the on coming traffic lane) the car I was passing finally decided to speed up.. and I kinda almost took off the front of their car. Scared the shit outta Chris and Jenny. OOOOPS! lmfao
I'm about to head over to my aunt's house to talk about gardening plans.. Then I have to go to Walmart and buy the vegetable starters and cancel my layaway.. Pick up my cousin from work at 7:30.. then after that I have no idea what I'm doing. Probably laundry and finish cleaning up the house. I hate when the house is messy but my mom messes it up.. she's not here to mess it up. Yay!
I work 10:30-7 Monday through Saturday.. six day run.. in garden center.. Yuck!
Daniel's birthday is tomorrow..
Mom comes home Thursday..
Randy moves Thursday..
Jessica gets here Saturday!!!!!!!
I'm about 90% sure that Andrew is going to take me to get her from the airport. If he has to work Saturday he'll probably get off before I do anyway.
For now I'm going to go do some shit around the house and then head out again because being home sucks my nuts.
For anybody that actually read this whole thing.. I'm sorry for taking up your friend's page.. For anybody that didn't read it.. I'll be sure to do so more often just to piss you off while you're trying to scroll past mine. =P