Feb 02, 2007 00:31
So we had to get our computer fixed & no thanks to Brittany every single fucking thing got deleted off of the hard drive. I'm not stressing out about it too much, but damn I had lots of important shit on this computer. Shit from middle school that I'll never recall having once I get old & useless...:[ whatever
So today I got the most wonderful news & txt msg ever. I got news that we didn't have winterguard, which I'm always exited to hear. Don't get me wrong, I love the girls and spinning, but sometimes Jamie just gets to be too much for one person to handle. & I really wasn't up for it today anyways
& then!! I got a txt from JP saying that the wedding is official & that it is on Caitlin's 18th birthday at 12:34 pm :] & idk about anyone else, but I think that is just fucking sweet. I love that lady so much. I'd do anything...no, anything for her.
I prayed for Caitlin last nite & as I was praying I felt a cold chill go down my spine and surroud my whole body. It was probably just the lack of heat in my house, but I'd like to think that it was a hug from an angel, and yes, I did start crying in the middle of my nightly prayer. It was a good cry though,...not a bad one. At all.
So..Brittany's birthday is in a few days and I don't really know what to give her. & even if i did, I couldn't pay for it. So I'm hoping that a hug & homemade card will suffice :]
i hate pms