Nov 01, 2006 02:34
Dear friend,
I talk to you fairly frequently, however today I spoke with someone who will probably remain as one of my closest and dearest friends for my entire lifetime. She and I concluded that we're tired of being the ones who always seem to put more effort into our friendships with other people. You give and give and get very little in return. And that isn't the case with ever relationship, just a few certain people...but the story never changes with those people and it's a constant battle that you find yourself fighting over and over again.
This, I feel, was the height of my frustration in my previous writing to you. Second chances become third ones, third into fourth, fourth finds fifth, and so on...
So, when does it become enough? How many chances should friends get? If you're disappointed by them time after time is it truly worth it to have them as a part of your life? I say it certainly isn't.
And that's where I'm at now. Fed up with meaningless, not-worth-the fight friendships that continue to fail at the face of rebound. There just isn't enough time to fake things in off to bed I go, with the best reality check I've had in a long, long time.
...Happy Halloween.