Mar 01, 2009 13:46
Happy March first :]
New month. New start. New me.
I am a really happy person lately.
No reason in particular. But you
can thank Raymond. He has me
happier. Liking myself more.
So yeah, Thanks Raymond :]
Okay so, music is a big part of
my life. I have been listening to
it so much lately its weird. But
I will not stop. Its the only thing
I really love to do, besides talk
to Raymond. But even while I am
on the phone with Ray, music is
on. Its in my life so much.
Okay so I have this flickr account.
It is for photography and being
critiqued on it. I love critics. It
makes me a better photographer.
Oh lordy are those stupid,
like the ones that say you have no
life because you have seen over
blahbidy blah movies. Its stupid.
Also those stupid forwards over
myspace that say your going to die
if you do not send it. UGH!
My week has started out amazingly.
The first five hours and some odd
minutes i was on the phone with Raymond.