2007 year in review

Dec 16, 2007 12:25

2007 Year in review
Current mood:


JANUARY: How did you ring in 2007? Details! Where, who, kiss, etc???
I think I was in church, think I stepped with the girls prolly for the last time. Pretty sure I was alone, because jes decided he wanted to go out with his boys I was pretty upset.

FEBRUARY: Were you in a relationship for Valentine's Day and what'd you do?
Yeah, jes was in bootcamp. We got into an arguement. Something over a txt msg and crap. But we've forgotten about that

MARCH: Did you celebrate St. Patty's Day by getting drunk?
um I think I was studying

APRIL: Did you have to walk in the rain (or any month in 07)?
Yep, to class. My baby came home, finally finished bootcamp. Got engaged. 4/20/07

MAY: Did you fail any classes?
nope. no time for that!

JUNE: Did you buy a new swimsuit?
Yes a couple of new ones. that is my new form of exercise, swimming, plus there are some hot ones out for momma's where you can look sexy and not 15

JULY: Did you party on 4th of July?
I believe I worked. Just secured my job in the ED! SOO fun! LOVE IT!

AUGUST: Did you go to the beach?
Nah, my baby came down to see me.

SEPTEMBER: Did you start school again?
YES YES YES! LAST YEAR! last lap before completion!

OCTOBER: What did you dress as for Halloween?
Nothing I believe. studying. work. blah

NOVEMBER: What did you do for Thanksgiving?
umm worked... I see a theme here.

DECEMBER: What do you want/what did you get for Christmas?
married. yeah we move fast!

Personal Reflection

Did you reach your goals for 2007?
I started praying again! YEAH! I passed my classes! YESS! I got a job! YESS! I sustained my relationship with jes!! YESS!

Beside your set goals, what else did you accomplish?
calming down. I think a lot is to be said about the fact that I slowly but surely stopped freaking out about things that didn't go my way. Although deep down inside I am still crying, I at least have made it to the point where I don't show it on the outside, and I'm trying to get to the point with God where I an truly trust him with everything and even when it seems that all that I have is being demolished and ripped apart in the most depressing way, I can believe that it's the end product that matters, not how I think it should be, but rather how things need to conclude. I may think it's important for Jayden to be with me, but God may have other plans, and I have to realize that I can't get in the way of his plans. Whatever he needs to do I need to be ok with that. I don't know everything, so I need to just trust him, no matter how painful it is.

What is something you learned about yourself?
I feel I have to be right. Intelligence and being right does not always mean you will win. I trusted in God because I thought he would get me what I wanted. I can loose 10 pounds! I'm not that bad of a mother. Nothing will ever be perfect, but if you work on it, it will really feel like it. I really love Jes. I really love nursing. I don't think I will ever truly seperate from God. I love him more than anything including myself. So even if my wants get in the way, eventually, by the grace of God, I will come back.

Did you do anything you thought you'd never do?
This year? Get married. Get engaged. Start praying again. Pass classes. Forgive.

In 2007, Did You…

Change your appearance?
I will be getting a perm next week

Move to a new place?

Go to a concert?
Nope. No time.

Go to a sporting event?
what?! I guess.... no no I didn't

Get a new job?
Yes 2! I got the job in the ED here in New Britain, and I got tha job in Yuma, AZ. that was a great feat!

Get a new addition to your family?
My soon to be husband. Can't believe I'll be a Broaden soon!

Gain new friends?
Yes. Mahogany, and I'm so glad for it. Although I love shenikah and Danielle like family, it is nice to talk to someone your age cuz college isn't the place to meet other 25 yr olds nahmean?!

Lose old friends?
well this year, no. I see my x a lot which is unsettling, but I'm becoming ok with that.

Get into a fight (verbal or physical)?
jes and I argue... blah. paris and I, family, Jayden's grandma tried to fight me this summer>crazy
I really pissed of this really crazy woman at work and she ended up cutting one of the security guards.... I think she was posessed!
No really! How often have you heard me say that?!

Puke from drinking too much?
this year...lol maybe once.

OH YEAH CRUISE TO cayman islands, and jamaica, WONDERFUL! Yuma AZ for the job interview, and oklahoma this past summer to visit family.

Go to a wedding?

Go to a funeral?
I don't think so... no that I shouldn't have.

Go to the hospital?
I work at the hospital.

Have any run-ins with the law?
thank god, not really.

Start a relationship?
started my marrige!

End a relationship?
not yet, but the relatinoship of speaking to my sons father, my the power of God... no really... will end.

Spend over $1000 on something?
the wedding, tuition

Favorite 2007…

April-got engaged

July-August-Jes came home

December-ha, what did I not do in december... FInished classes, passed them, accepted the position in AZ, getting married, having Jayden's birthday party, going to court for my son! only God knows what will happen I just pray I don't act a fool.

anytime is a great time as long as there's no bugs.

watching my son sleep. Watching jes sleep. waking jes up-lol. the cruise! Stepping with the girls again for the last time! wedding day! working. I really have to say that I love my job!

ummm a couple! had a straight time... fav one? Prolly the J-dub SGRho party at uconn, sweat dripping down the walls and windows. People on top of each other's backs-flying around, learning all the new dances, so hot and sweaty if felt like we were swimming, people locked out because we were at capacity looking in with tears falling down their cheeks, knowing about half the ppl there... yeah that was one of the best!

ummm def my wedding, I can't wait, I know it will be the one of my dreams!

club-don't really have one yet

Bar-don't have one

Hangout- if not with Jes, then with Jayden, preferably with both!

Moment you laughed so hard that you cried?
With my family, don't remember. Oh with Danielle SHenikah, Addler, Paris and some guy all packed into my little haundai, getting pulled over by the cops and the cop not realizing that paris was laying on top of us, he thought she was a blanket. I almost peed myself.

Worst 2007...

going to court. Anything involving John.

Day at work or school?
SOme pretty bad days in fast track. I hate fast track. Days when I thought I wouldn't pass...

Embarrassing moment?
ummm oh I was using the bathroom one day in public, squatting looking at my panties, and looked up only to see that the door was open... and the bathroom was packed.

Person you met?
John's girlfriend.

For NYE 07-08…

Where will you be?
Hopefully ringing in the new year with my new hubby

Who will be there?
my and jes

Do you want to kiss someone at midnight?

What are you wearing?
omgoodness I can't tell you that!

In 2008...

What are your goals?
my Goals are to provide for my son as best as I can, to do well on my boards, and to do well on my job. To hopefully buy furniture in our new house, to visit jes during spring break, and to keep trying to please God and my husband.

What do you look forward to?
being married. I hope I can live up to being his wife. getting to see his face every day. experiencing life with him every moment. seeing him smile, working, and going to vegas, cali, mexico and someday soon jerusalem and europe!
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