For Obsessive Muse Fans Created by
bulletproof-cupid and taken 58 times on
bzoink!~*~At A Festival~*~Have you been to a Muse concert before?YesIf so, how many times?9Where do you prefer to stand at a concert?I like to sit...getting old innitHave you ever been in a mosh pit at a Muse concert?Yes...I diedHow much would you pay to go and see Muse?I've flown to Rome, the US and am going to Texas...Do Muse ever play in your home town?Yes, they lurve my home town...just don't mention the basementHow far have you travelled to see Muse?See 'how much would I pay?''Band Members'Who is you favourite member?Has to be TomIf you were in Muse, which instrument would you play?Shoe box with elastic bandTo you find any member of Muse attractive (female question)Nah...though Tom has sexy teethWhich member do you think is the most talented?Chris..plays bass and breeding a football teamWhich member would you most like to meet?Met themIf you met Muse what would you say to them?Hello, you owe me a drink*Albums*Which is your favourite Muse album?OoSFavourite song on ShowbizShowbiz/SunburnFavourite song on OOSBlissFavourite Song on AbsolutionHysteria/B&HDo you have Hullabaloo Soundtrack?YeshIf so which is your favourite B-sideHyper-chondriac MusicWhich album artwork do you like mostOoS cos my mate did one of the picturesMuse have many cover versions, which is you favourite?Can't take my eyes of you"Other"Favourite video on ShowbizTheyFavourite video on OOSAreFavourite Video on AbsolutionAll RubbishDo you have an all time favourite Muse song, what is it?Dunno...dependsFinally, would you say you have a massive obsession with Muse?Nah, just like taking the piss...
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