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Sep 17, 2005 00:14

well today has been very intresting lol
well i didnt wake up on regular time this morning well i did and didnt feel good so mom let me go back to sleep... well woke back up at 7.. and got ready.. blah blah went to school how boring.. well i missed 1st block *tear* i didnt get to talk to kayla and antonia..
2nd -Health-- did some work.. Ugh got a test monday in there..
3rd-- record keeping-- wrote kira a letter.. and did some work..
4th-Science-- went outside and ran again.. then came in did some work Blah lol
Homeroom--Ugh how boring. talked to heather
Lunch- talked to a few ppl haha at the juice machines lmao.. well then say with kayla, tes, kristan. meg, and lindsey as usual.. and then jeff came and talked to me.. it was sweet..
5th--Typing.. talked to tony cause dominque left and so did phillip..
6th--English-- talked to tony and crystal did some work
7th--Yearbook-- well mrs.jack was suposed to be gone so we was in the lunch room.. talked to Jessica Tesia kristan and lindsey.. then they lefted so talked to sophia.. and made fun of ostrich haha lmao
8th--Math--UGHhh test i failed that lmao.. well thats it
then Came home YAY!! lol
well got ready for the game =]
The Game Go Cubs WHOOT
well got to the game.. went to joeys car talked to him and lindsi.. well then me and lindsey went inside.. and talked to i dont remeber lol.. and then Stpeh came YAY!! lol.. walked around.. talked to ppl lol.. well then talked to ashley!! haha we had a long deep convo about somethings Love ya gurl thanks for the talk♥.. well not going into all detils here lol.. but anyways.. went and found nick to give him his class ring that was kinda werid lol.. but talked to him a few.. and then left lol.. me and steph walked the rest of the time.. had some of the best times tonight.. im so glad i got to go and meet steph.. well Iaeger lost.. but oh well they did good.. of what i could tell lol well what part of the game i watched... and YES steph finally got to meet matt in person!! awwe* they looked so cute together if they was still together.. i hope they get back together so all my luck goes to them =].. well thats about it!! lol.. im not going into all detils about the game lol..
well check out my page with pics from the game on it.. www.picturetrail.com/tiffany_leann10

♥ Steph-- I LOVE YOU!! we had like the best time in the world tonight... i swear i dont believe they was a time when we wasnt laughing lol.. we like to make fun of ppl its the best lol.. haha I LOVE YOU!! i cant wait to i get to see u more often in person!!.. goodluck with everything.. and if u need me u know where to find me!

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