so much past inside my present

Mar 14, 2008 01:16

if spring break were not starting tomorrow, i would probably just off myself now. even though i never practice clarinet, and i am still incredibly sick of it. my lesson tomorrow is going to suck, and i don't really care at all. uhgh. get me out of this semester.

it is completely unlikely for me to want to drop out of school, and i would never really do it.. but i seriously just want to pack up and move back home or somewhere else most days. i'm burnt out on school or texas or being so far from my close friends and family.. or something else, but i am just sick of the things i am doing.

i had 8 exams, 2 lessons, and 2 projects due.. all this week. how did my head not explode?

recent news..

1. it snowed. in texas. in march. 7-9". INSANE.. but it was so much fun!!

2. i will be the vice president of membership for Sigma Alpha Iota (my music service fraternity for women.. sorority is a made-up word/concept.), which i am very excited about.

3. next monday, tuesday, and wednesday i am going canoing/camping. sweeeet.

okay, so i was sitting in physics on wednesday taking the midterm, and two rows in front of me in this auditorium thing we have class in (called the lyceum here), a guy starts having a seizure. it was one of the scariest things i have ever seen. it just lasted a few minutes, but it felt like forever. the professor came up, and i gave him my phone to call 911. the guy kind of came to or whatever.. and he was kind of talking to the paramedics and whatnot.. but his seemed really disoriented. i remember hearing the paramedic as him if he knew why or how that could have happened, and he just kind of nonchalantly said that he didn't. he almost seemed like he was on something, and for some reason they let him walk out (i guess they knew what they were doing?), and he was stumbling. does anyone know if this is normal? i just hope he's fine, and i also hope i never see anything like that again. terrifying.. :\

i saw Islands last night again here in denton. their new stuff is.. well, some of it's really good, but it's all pretty different. i hope some of it sounds way different on the album. um, patrick is sexier than normal still. i was not totally sober, so i was dancing a lot more and had a wonderful time. that's about it.

and finally.. i think i have a crush on a guy who is gay. i don't know if he's gay. LAME.

"you are so sexy with your lays potato chips" wtf does that mean?? my friend cameron is crazy..
OHHH AHHAHAH. i just figured it out.. nevermind. there is a picture of me on facebook with a bag a chips pretending to pour them into my mouth. umm, don't ask. btw, if any of us are not facebook friends, you should add me.
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