Apr 25, 2006 11:41
I hate days like this...I think too much...and going away doesn't help...it just makes me think more...you know that song..."Making Memories of Us"...well I thought about it...what happens when you're through making memories...what happens then...what if you're never suposed to stop...how do you know...what if it's not your choice...desicion...whatever...what are you supposed to do...everything happens for a reason...do the phone calls happen for a reason?...are you supposed to ignore them...or listen...what if I make te wrong desicion?...ugh...I get confused...what if the memories are supposed to be over and they're not...what if they're supposed to be still in the making and they aren't...makes you wonder...
So today is Wednesday...tomorrow is thursday...two days left in the school week...yesterday was Tuesday and Matthew won his game...it was close...I realized that I would probably hate myself if someone recorded me at a T-ball game...I get nervous and into it...so it'd be funny to watch...well...last night I didn't really get to have the phone conversation I wanted to...it wasn't my fault...but it was depressing...oh well...forget it...I need to fill out these three scholarships...and write a paper...and study for a psychology final...but I'll probably go get on myspace or photobucket...