This week/weekend has been a BLAST!
As I stated in my lastest update...haha...I spent a day at the park with Rayne and Bryan.They truely are adorable(haha..i'm adorkable...=D). Most the time we sat at the baseball court on the grass, in the shade. It was pretty hott out.(pheew). Anyways, me and Bryan fought like normal, haha, and then we went back to my house to drop Joey off, and Rayne and standing in my pool....?....okay but all in all it was so much fun!
Yesterday me and Rayne went over to Bryans. It was really fun. We went swimming and me and Bryan were fightint and stuff and I have bruises on my arms..(meanie) from bryan grabbing it, and then throwing me. It was fun. Then we chilled inside and I was playing video games and Bryan and Rayne were kissing and such.(heh) it was really cute, I even have some pics, but there in my Photobucket, so go ahead and look.=D
We didn't get home until 1:30 sat. night, and Rayne spent the night, she talked to Bryan til' 7:30 and we didn't get up until 2:30 and she left at 6:00. I miss her dearly. Shes leaveing me and Bryan next week thursday to go to Florida.=[
Well i'm gonna sure to check out the photos and if you need the link IM me...Tiffaxnayxnay.=D
10 bands you love
10 .Good Charolette 9 .Finch
8 .The All-American Rejects
7 .Simple Plan
6 .The Spill Canvas
5 .The Used
4 .Fall Out Boy
3 .Acceptance
2 .My Chemical Romance
1 .HelloGoodbye
9 favorite songs
9 .So Contagious-->Acceptance
8 .Emotionless-->Good Charlotte
7 .Three Simple Words-->Finch
6 .Last Resort-->Papa Roach
5 .It Ends Tonight-->The All-American Rejects
4 .The Spill Canvas-->Sunsets and Car Crashes
3 .On My Own-->The Used
2 .Leaveing-->The Starting Line
1 .Sugar We're going Down-->Sugarcult
8 things in your room
8 .Lap-top
7 .Posters
6 .DVD's
5 .CD's 4 .Cell phone
3 .20"inch T.V
2 .Magazines
1 .CD walkman
7 people who make you smile
7 .Rayne
6 .Bryan 5 .Kiely
4 .Nathan
3 .Sean
2 .Chris(..i dont know why....)
1 .Haley!!
6 favorite passtimes
6 .Birthday parties
5 .Sleepovers 4 .Family-get-togethers
3 .Vactions 2 .Ex-boyfriends...
1.Middle/Elementry school...
5 favorite places
5 .CaseVille
4 .Royal Oak
3 .New York
2 .California
1 .Jamaica
4 favorite movies
4 .The Notebook
3 .Mouline Rouge
2 .The Matrix:Reloaded
1 .Alot Like Love
3 missed memories
3 .Elementry School..
2 .Christopher Justice
1 .Banana's in Pajama's <3
2 favorite stores
2. Pacsun
1 weakness
1. Temper