Jun 26, 2006 16:04
It's written in his too...
Scary or so I think.
Like I said earlier...
Perhaps I'm reading too far into it...
Maybe I'm not.
Who really knows?
Year 2006 Romance
Provided by Astrology.com
You've never been what some might call 'set in your ways,' and this year, you'll be making even more dramatic changes than usual. What's truly different about your orientation toward the world in 2006, however, is that the alterations you're making will feel definitive, especially when it comes to romance. You're changing, but it's not for the sake of change itself. It's because you've finally set your sights on the person you want to be -- and perhaps even the person you want to be with too. Now that you've got your lodestar, navigating the tumultuous waters of your life will be easier.
In the first three months of the year, a series of almost fated encounters will remind you that other people are in your life for a reason, and that the health of your relationships is as crucial to your happiness as money or personal possessions. That's not to say that you'll be completely disinterested in material wealth this year. You'll continue to spend your hard-earned money, but you'll be more likely to use it to buy gifts for others.
Another shift this year may be even more shocking to the people who know you best. With your free spirit, no one ever pegged you as the type to settle down. But this year, when you follow your heartstrings, you may find that they lead to one person in particular. You'll find romance in the most mundane activities, as long as you're in this person's presence. From sharing the morning paper to turning the thermostat down at night, the smallest routines will take on added significance. Be sure to take time out for 'dates' as well, even if that just means staying at home to enjoy a roaring fire and a long cuddle on the couch.
If you're still searching for that perfect match, 2006 looks promising. Keep your eyes open from the middle of February the middle of April, especially around the eclipse in March. If those results fizzle, you have another great chance for love in early summer, and yet another in late November.