okay, I hope this works.....
This is the shopping district around Machida station. Behind me, is the 100Yen store. I love that store!!
The infamous vending machine. This one sells soda, juice and water. I haven't personally seen the beer ones yet, but I know they're out there...
A closeup shot of the vending machine above. These machines are everywhere!!!
This is how narrow the streets are here! This looks like a one way street, but even two way streets are this wide. It gets even better when theres 2 cars trying to pass each other with people/bikes on either side. I am wayyyyyy too scared to drive out here.. not like i could though.
I hope you enjoy these pix. More will come soon when I take pix of my house and more around the city. Until now, i've been cautious about taking pix because I don't want to look like a stupid tourist. But, fuck it! =)
I miss ya all!