Oct 09, 2005 22:14
*im just gonna make this kinda quick cuz i'm tired and still grounded*lol*
*well-i went to church this mornin'*me and micheal had a
little.."mishap" *lol*but we got over it*sowwie micheal!* = )
*anywayz-Morris was WAY happy*as always*lol*so we had a wonderful
time*probably cuz we actually got enough sleep last nite*lol*
*so-anywayz-we had to take micheal home straight after church*like last
sunday*cuz im "grounded" and i cant have anyone over* = ( *so last
sunday and today we didnt go to evening service*cuz dadi says he dont
have time to go all the way to micheal's house* =( *oh well*
*well me and micheal were talkin on the phone a couple of hours
ago*even tho i wasnt s'posed to* = \ *hehe*sh..* = P *and we were
tryin' to figure out this whole "thingie" about "me"*lol*and Ossie told
me just to stand up to "her" and tell her that this is gettin' outta
hand*but i can't*PLUS!-i havent talked to her in 3 days!!*so- i dunno
what to do..*those of you who know about this-please gimme some advice
or sumthin' and tell me what i can do* = ( *
*...this week hasnt been one 'a' my best weeks ever but at least i got
thru it*lol*and im happy that i did!*as long as i have
*ya'll!*Micheal*and Jesus*hehe!* = ) *
*Ashlie- I swear to ya- SOMEDAY i'll get to spend the weekend with
ya!*when i(or if i)get ungrounded*i know we've planned all this crap
for months!*lol*Love.Ya.Sweetie!
-->*twins.4.ever!*<-- *.lylas.* .**smiles**. =D
*i miss my friends--i dunno what i did to all of ya'll but im
sowwie!*and tell me what i did wrong this year*cuz i promise ill try to
help it!* = ) *
*well..im gettin' sleepy so im a go on to bed*ill update more later!* = ) *
*Love.Ya'll.Alwayz!* = D
*5.13.05* = )
*in the beginning was the Word*and the Word was with God*and the Word was God!*
.-John 1:1-.
+..*jesus.saves*..+ (*11.24.04*)