Jul 13, 2003 13:32

I have finally decided that Internet relationships are crap, I am happy for everyone who has a bf on-line at my chat, I truly am, but to me, these are words, words than dun mean a thing cause it's the net, they could be on another server cheating on you, who knows, but I was naive then, ^^ I have been taught so many lessons, and letting things get to me on the net, it matters not anymore, words are words, and you rpg which is not real either, but I do believe this, Friends on the net are true, and the only thing that I will ever care about, otherwise, that is it, so people need to face the truth, people who re not my friends or just wanna make my life hell, I dun care about, I dun give a crap, And I never will again, if your purpose is to make me miserable, sorry, it's not happening, as long as I have true friends on the net and here, which is a lot ^^, I am truly happy and nothing is gonna bring me down, now, Tis why I choose to chat when I want to, not by someone's schedule, XD I hated that, but I can be free, to do what I want, if you think I am a prick, fine, I do not really care, I am who I am. and you cannot make me or tell me that I am something that I am not ^^, but anyway, as long as I have friends and someone who truly loves me, I will be alright, but for all of my friends on the net, if it is ever possible for us to meet, I want to to all attend my wedding, if I should ever get married to the one that I love, I would make it so everyone would be able to attend, if possible, that would be a dream come true to me, but all I can do it exactly that, for now ^^
Well, I gotta go, sorry if this makes no sense, people are stupid XD sometimes
Daisuki Minna
I love you Dakoda-san
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