You know, I had convinced myself that Donna would be okay.. but as soon as she absorbed part of The Doctor, I knew she was going to get mind-wiped, and that's when the tears started.
That's right, Donna Noble, my favorite companion so far, got fucking retconned. I am unbelievably pissed about this. I was trying so hard not to be a sniffling, teary-eyed sissy while watching, but I was overcome with such a feeling of unfairness and anger that I couldn't help it.
I think the most upsetting thing was seeing her go back to the way she was before she met The Doctor, with no purpose in life, no fulfillment, nothing. She's just a temp again. She doesn't even remember what happened at Christmas. Nothing about her has changed, and I got the feeling that her life won't change now. The wonderful thing about Donna's time with The Doctor was that she finally realized what an amazing person she was, and Donna needed that even more than Rose or Martha, in my opinion. And now what? She just goes back to having no self confidence, no direction, nothing? What good does that do? What's the point? She saved the freaking universe and all she gets for it is.. nothing. It's just.. it's not fair. It's not fair and it upset me greatly and I cried and I couldn't stop crying for the unfairness, the injustice of it. I love Donna so very much, but if her character is going to be reduced to the empty, direction-less shell that she was before, then.. well, I would almost rather that she had died knowing that she was an amazing person and she did amazing things and that she saved the universe with her Super Temp powers.
Now then.. Rose Tyler.
You know, I love Rose quite a bit. I mean, I'm very much a New School fan, never even heard of the show before it started. Rose was the first person I saw travel with The Doctor, and you know how it is on a show like this, you always have a special fondness for the first. Rose reminded me of myself at the time, and I suspect that she did that for many other fans as well.
That said, is Rose really that special? I mean, really? So special that she warrants getting her own special Doctor to go live with in her special parallel world? I'm just not sure I'm very happy about that. I mean, on the one hand, yay, we finally get some closure with Rose. I'm not going to lie, I got teary-eyed when she finally got to kiss The Doctor and he finally told her what he said (interesting, though, that the full-blooded Time Lord is unable to say it aloud, so the part-human 10.5 has to do it, and even then, he only whispers to Rose. Still, it's pretty clear what he meant). But on the other hand, her insistence that she stay with him and everything wrapping up so neatly for her sort of irritated me. It's implied that she never moved on with her life after leaving The Doctor, because she was too busy trying to find a way back to him. Yes, that's very romantic and all, but.. something about Rose's ending bothers me. Perhaps it's because it contrasts so starkly with Donna's. It's just not fair, that's all.
All of my nerd rage aside, it was an.. interesting way to end things. I felt like they didn't really explain Davros's presence very well, or maybe I just wasn't paying attention well enough. Also, I'm sort of sick of Daleks. I'm sorry, I am. You can only bring them back so many times before your audience starts to get bored. You listening, Moffat? I don't want to see any fucking Daleks for a while. I don't know, perhaps I'm desensitized to them because I'm only familiar with them from the new series. From what I understand, a lot of fans who grew up with the show love the Daleks because they saw them as children and they were terrifying. All well and good, but.. that said, I'd like to see something new.
I enjoyed how the other new series characters all showed up to help The Doctor, then just sort of wandered off to do their own thing, no teary goodbyes this time, just a hug and a wave and off they went. Again, this is partly why Rose's ending irritated me so much, because you see the others all go off to live the new lives they've made for themselves, but Rose just can't do it. I especially liked how Sarah Jane sort of just brushed him off, like, well, good to see you, but I've totally got a life now and you're not in it! Go Sarah Jane.
I liked seeing Mickey go off with Jack and Martha. It would be super badass if he started working for Torchwood. Martha too. Wait, isn't Martha engaged to, uh.. someone? Some guy off screen. Whatever, she should totally go join Torchwood too. Torchwood: Recruiting Super Pretty People to Fight Aliens since 2006.
Sigh. Well, I'm emotionally drained after all of that. Maybe it's a good thing that they're taking a break before series five, so I can have time to cool off and grieve for Donna.