♪On the first day of Christmas...

Dec 25, 2008 00:21

...Tifa gave to doom_magic
A Chinen in a shower~♪

Because the 12 days of Christmas technically start ON Christmas. Srsly. I wasn't trying to buy myself time or anything... >.>

Wrote this a while ago while half asleep so it's kind of prosy and in a weird tense. But yes, this is what you think it is. Probably.

Warning: NSFW

Chinen Hiroshi was not a romantic. Yet there was something so alluring about showers at midnight with moonlight shining through the window and all other lights put out. He couldn't remember how he started, but bathing with the lights off had long been part of his growing up. He could remember flicking the switch off and taking those careful steps in his even then long, gangly legs towards the bath. He'd slip into it's steaming waters, tensing at the heat before relaxing into it's embrace and waiting for his eyes to adjust. Perhaps this habit had contributed to his developed night vision.

As he got older, Chinen graduated from baths to the shower. Mornings before school didn't afford time for long soaks, and so he'd stand under the pounding spray with the sunrise casting a warm glow from the window over his tanned skin. He took his time working a lather into his hair, his eyes closed as the hot water washed the soap and oils down his back and chest and legs before spilling onto the floor.

At school, there were no chances for dark showers unless Chinen managed to be the last to leave tennis practice. Usually it was Kite who stayed the latest, spending more time than anyone cooling down his overworked muscles after vigorous training that left everyone sweaty and salty. After collecting his bags, Chinen would head back to his house to take another shower, this one long and relaxed. Sometimes the sunlight was still so bright it was as if the lights were still on, and other times he'd step under the water as the sun began sinking into the ocean.

It was these after school showers that Chinen started to favor over the ones at midnight where sometimes there would be nothing but a hint of pale blue glow from the window to tease his eyes. Even though it wasn't completely dark, his mind was still fresh from practice; still alive with thoughts of bubbly laughter and the occasional whine. If he closed his eyes, he could see flashes of yellowy hair, so painstakingly cared for that one could almost believe it was natural.

His mental image would wander then, down to bright eyes that captured all the playfulness of youth and a mouth that rarely stayed closed. His hand would wander too, playing in the trails of water that flowed down his chest. When he dared to, it would slip even lower, following gravity until his hand was cradling a heavy erection, even warmer than the water that continued to spill over his back.

He'd start slow, with long strokes that sent shivers down his spine. The boy in his mind would laugh and run into rolling waves, the sun setting off the golden tones of his bare chest and back. Chinen's hand would squeeze and his throat would hitch, and soon his pace went faster. He'd lose the sensation of warm water as his sense of touch was contained in his hand's quick, needy movements. A sun would set in his mind, yellow hair spread out on white sand and a grin on those soft, salty lips. The building tension would release all too soon and Chinen would shudder as the intensity of feeling rushed over him like waves composed of pure pleasure.

He'd gasp out a sound, a name that would be swallowed up by the sound of splashing water and running pipes. His hand would splay on the tiles beside him as the other stilled, pulling himself slowly once, twice, before dropping to his side. Only the spiders that sometimes clung to steamy corners of the ceiling above him would witness his heavy breathing and the smile that played across his face as he whispered the name again.


Also, Merry Christmas everyone~!

TeniPuri sprites from

fic, pot, 12 days of christmas

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