This entry was originally about some elitist chick. But I made it a friends only cause I was bored and decided to make a silly graphic for mah journal.
read: Before you friend me, please just read or glance through this for a moment. I don't really like when people friend me and don't comment here, because I'd really appreciate knowing something about you first before I randomly let you read all my entries. I don't care who friends me, really, I love making new friends. But seriously, don't friend me if you have no intentions of keeping me on your friends list for a long period of time. I keep finding that people add me, and then soon after they decide to go through a personal melodraumatic life change. So they change their journal names, get rid of all the online friends and never re-add me. It's a bit ridiculous, so please add me if you really feel like reading my nonsense. Thanks guys.
So please comment to be added. I'll most likely add you back if you let me know you're friending me.