Visceral (Acoustics)

Dec 06, 2010 08:28

Title: Visceral
Pairing: evil!Sam/Dean
Rating: R
Word Count: 100
Summary:  Sam loves to take his brother apart.
A/N: Twenty-sixth drabble in the Acoustics 'verse.   First drabble can be found here:  Acoustics  
A/N:  Eleventh entry for    365drabbles  
Additional A/N and squee:  The amazing  amber1960 graciously consented to make me a banner for this 'verse and it's awesome!  It's gonna get tweaked a tiny bit and may look better the way it already is, but OMG it's fantastic and I can't wait to get it on my journal!  Aaaaand it's here!
Warnings:  This is a very dark series.  Sam has no redeeming characteristics. Dean's existence is one of pain and torture at Sam's hand.

I love the word viscera, don’t you Dean?  Sam’s hands are dripping with blood and gore, buried wrist deep in his brother’s abdomen.  Dean’s slit from breastbone to pelvis, muscle and skin pulled wide and nailed to the table.  Wanna see what’s inside, okay baby?  Wanna take you apart, piece by piece, and see what it looks like before we start playing, for a change.

Dean’s intestines are stuffed so far down his throat that only soft choking noises are audible, but that’s okay.  Sam’s engrossed in dissecting his brother- there will be more than enough time later for screams.

Next: Roundup

torture, hurt!dean, acoustics 'verse, evil!sam/dean, dark!fic, rating: r, drabble

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