
Oct 31, 2010 21:53

Title: Faith
Characters: Pastor Jim Murphy, Meg
Rating: PG
Summary:  Pastor Jim had always believed God's house was protected from demons.
A/N:  Written for spn_las,     Prompt was for a character facing his or her worst fears.

The church had always been a sanctuary, a tangible symbol of his faith, and there was nowhere Pastor Jim Murphy would rather be. )

gen, religion, meg, character death, pastor jim, pg

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tifaching November 1 2010, 02:32:18 UTC
Thanks! Pastor Jim being afraid the his faith had been misplaced would be about the greatest fear I could think of. I considered writing Ellen losing Jo, or Dean losing Sam, but I thought a lot of other people would write those and I was right. Some of them were pretty good, so I'm glad I went in another direction.

Glad you enjoyed!


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tifaching November 1 2010, 02:39:50 UTC
No I don't think he lost his faith, he just had a moment of doubting. When I was writing I was thinking that if God left heaven, maybe his protections left with him and holy places might be left open to evil where they never were before. Jim knows Meg shouldn't be able to come in the church, yet there she is. I think he might have wondered why that was.


dante_s_hell November 3 2010, 23:21:56 UTC
It was a great direction to take. Faith is a strange thing. It's getting through the tough times even when you know you'll be escaping bloody and not physically intact. Aw, man, I'm not explaining myself very well. It's being protected in spite of the evil.

That last line of yours was wonderful. Murphy is still a man, with hopes and fears. The enigmatic smile of the reaper actually makes me hopeful for Murphy.

Okay, shutting up now.


tifaching November 3 2010, 23:30:22 UTC
Hey, talk as much as you want! I believe Pastor Jim is in heaven, but for story purposes, I had to go with the doubt. Faith is believing when the miracles don't happen, as well as when they do, as the young lady in Faith, stated so aptly. I really don't think Jim doubted at all, but it made for good fiction!


dante_s_hell November 3 2010, 23:51:23 UTC
I don't think he doubted either, but he wouldn't be a man if he weren't afraid. Know what I mean?

I believe he's in heaven too.


tifaching November 3 2010, 23:59:21 UTC
I do. Fear is part of being human, no matter how strong your faith is.


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