
Jul 09, 2010 22:22

Title: Fireflies
Pairing:  Sam/Dean
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary:  Sam, Dean, a connection, a game of hide and seek
A/N:  Follow up to my previous drabbles  Conflagration  and   Lightning  You should read those first if you want this to make sense!
For the prompt:  Low at   supernatural100

Sam smiles as he moves silently through the night.  The bar is far behind him now, only the moon lights his way as he follows Dean’s trail- a rope of red-gold sparks visible only to Sam.  It undulates through the dark, and Sam can feel Dean’s heart pulsing- a low thrum, like a bass line through his veins.

Tall grasses brush Sam- Dean’s leading him through a meadow.  Night insects still at Dean’s passing, though fireflies congregate around him, casting a golden glow.   Dean follows the fireflies into a copse of trees and Sam follows Dean-  game far from over.

Next: Culmination

sam/dean, wincest, drabble

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