No Chick Flick Moments

May 30, 2016 22:08

Title: No Chick Flick Moments
Characters: Dean, Sam
Genre: Gen, episode tag
Word count: 200
A/N: Tag to 11:23, So spoilers.
Written for the SPN 100 Challenge (even though it's 200, shame on me) word "rainbow".

Summary:  Enough light can overcome the Darkness.

If you’ve got something for me to punch, shoot or kill, let me know and I’ll do it ‘til I die.

Turns out Amara can be killed after all and when she and Chuck both shuffle off their not quite immortal coils balance will be restored to the universe. Enough light can overcome the Darkness, reboot the sun, and yet again, it’s all about the souls. Billie hurls thousands from the Void. Rowena scoops them up, magicking them into a compact thermonuclear warhead. Of course only Dean can get close enough to deliver it. And taking it right to Amara’s doorstep isn’t good enough, like nothing he does is ever good enough. He has to be the bomb. Take her out by taking himself out- doin’ it ‘til he dies.

The upside is that his brother didn’t absorb the Mark. His atoms won’t be strewn across the Empty. Sammy will make it through. Dean doesn’t want to die but him being the only one biting it is about as good a finish as they could ever expect. Their whole lives have been an object lesson in how there are no rainbows with pots of gold at the end.

No chick flick moments, he says, but Sam knows him better.

The hug lasts forever and an instant and then Dean is gone.

dean, sam, episode tag, season 11

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