Welcome Home (Don't Touch Part 4)

Aug 09, 2015 23:21

The second time the Impala almost slid off the snow packed road John down shifted and forced her to crawl along at the snail’s pace the weather demanded. He should have pulled in at the Best Western five miles back, but the Best Western five miles back was only six miles from home. There was no way he’d settle for holing up in a hotel room with only his hand for company when Dean was so close John could practically taste him.

Fine tremors shivered across John’s skin at the thought, anticipation and fucking need gnawing at his belly. Jesus, he was like a damned junkie, jonesing for the ecstasy that came from burying his cock deep inside his eldest child’s body. Licking tears from Dean’s face and swallowing his hurt cries were far more satisfying highs than anything John ever snorted, smoked or shot into his veins.

The turn came up suddenly in the almost white out conditions and the Impala fishtailed as he skidded into the driveway. It was still a good half mile to the house- long driveways meant less chance of nosy neighbors dropping by for a cup of coffee and getting an eyeful of things that were none of their fucking business. Five minutes later the house lights came into view and he pulled the Impala into the dooryard. It was roughly fifteen degrees outside but the thought of Dean pumped white hot magma through John’s blood. The brief walk to the house wouldn’t wilt his anticipatory erection at all.

John snatched his duffle off the front seat and jogged to the porch, swearing as he skidded on the icy steps. A quick grab at the railing was all that saved him from ass planting back into the snow. John was pretty sure he knew what had kept Sam from shoveling the steps but even Dean was no excuse. The boy was going to get an earful as soon as his father got hold of him.

John’s mouth was already open to bellow Sam’s name as he walked through the door, but the sight that greeted him massacred the words in his throat. His youngest was sprawled on the couch. Dean, naked as he always was now that Sam had joined the party, was splayed across his widely spread thighs. One of Sam’s hands wrapped around the back of Dean’s head, forcing him into a kiss. The other disappeared down between their bodies and John could see the muscles of Sam’s arm twisting and flexing. Working Dean’s cock, of course. If Sam’s dick needed attention his brother’s hands wouldn’t be cuffed behind his back or his mouth would be busy a hell of a lot lower down.

One step forward was as far as John got before Sam held up the hand he’d twined in Dean’s hair. John raised an eyebrow but stopped right inside the door, willing to give the kid a brief chance to come up with a stellar explanation for this bit of cock blocking. Sam’s occupied hand began to move faster, the slick sound making John’s need even more pressing. He kept his eyes on the muscles of Dean’s back, the tight clench of his ass until Dean’s hips jerked up and Sam released his mouth with a sigh.

“What did I tell you Dean?”

“Not to move.” Dean’s voice was wrecked, like Sam’s cock had been down his throat every minute the kid had been out of school for the few days John was away.

“And what happens when you don’t do what you’re told?”

“I’m sorry, Sam, I tried, but…” The fearful resignation in Dean’s tone made John wonder how often Sam had doled out punishment while he was away. As often as possible, he figured. Sammy was a chip off the old block, after all.

Sam snorted and shook his head at his father. “Well, that’s more lashes for not answering my question.” He gripped Dean’s chin and gave him a rough shake. “But Dad’s home now and we’re not going to keep him waiting any longer because you can’t follow a simple order. Get up.”

Dean stood and slowly turned to face John who took another step forward, only to have Sam motion wildly at him and mouth stay there. John blew out a breath and waited as Dean began to make his way across the room, gaze fixed on the floor.

“Eyes up, Dean,” Sam snapped and Dean locked eyes with his father. John bounced his gaze between Dean’s shattered expression and his cock, bobbing hard and red in its tight leather bindings until his eldest came to a halt in front of him.

Dean licked swollen lips and took a deep breath. “Welcome home, Daddy,” he whispered, tilting his face up and leaning in to press his mouth against his father’s.

John shuddered through a surprised groan then deepened the kiss, tongue probing Dean’s mouth, tasting Sam there and eager to add his own flavor to the mix. Sucking down Dean’s moan, he brushed calloused fingers over his boy’s cherry red nipples. Sam had obviously already given them a good working over and John couldn’t wait to get his mouth on them. Breaking the kiss, John ran a thumb over Dean’s plump lower lip. “What was that for?”

Dean shot a quick look at Sam and swallowed hard. “Missed you, Daddy.”

John grinned at Sam who shot a blazing smile back. He gripped Dean’s shoulders and slid his hands slowly down Dean’s back until they gripped the muscular curve of his ass. The salty tang of sweat and tears blessed his tongue as he kissed Dean’s jaw, pulling his boy close until Dean’s cock pressed tightly against his own needy erection. “What, exactly, did you miss?”

Dean looked startled, like Sam hadn’t coached him this far, and sent a panicked look his brother’s way. Sam stared back, hard eyed. “You know what you missed, Dean. Tell him.”

“I…I…” Dean floundered until Sam picked up the ever present flogger and slapped it against the couch. “Your cock,” he rasped out, voice shaking. “I missed your cock.”

“Mmmmmm,” John murmured, circling his hips as he continued to hold Dean’s body against him. “It missed you too, slut.” He leaned in to whisper in Dean’s ear. “Tell me where you missed it.”

“I…in the bedroom.”

Sam snickered and John lifted one hand long enough to slap Dean on the ass. “Not a bad answer, but…” He took Dean’s lip between his teeth and tugged. “Not the one I was looking for. Now, tell me where you missed it before I borrow Sammy’s flogger and whip your dick until you scream.”

Dean trembled beneath his father’s demanding touch. “Everywhere,” he said, voice cracking. “I missed it in my mouth, and, and, my ass. In my hands. Anywhere you want.”

John pulled Dean closer so he couldn’t see the wink he sent Sammy’s way. “What’s the matter? Sam’s dick not enough for you?” He tilted Dean’s head up to drink in the desolation in those beautiful eyes. ‘No’ would be just as bad an answer as ‘yes’. ‘Yes’ would be just as wrong an answer as ‘no’. John cocked an eyebrow as he waited for Dean’s reply.

A tear dripped onto John’s arm as Dean let out a soft sob. “Need them both, Daddy,” he whispered brokenly. “Love your cock and Sammy’s.”

Dean flinched as John gave his testicles a firm tug. “We’re pretty fond of yours too.” His voice dropped to a low growl. “You missed me, huh?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

John grinned and flicked at Dean’s nipples. “Why don’t you get on your knees and show me how much?”

Dean dropped to his knees more gracefully than John would have thought possible with his hands tied behind his back. Sam had obviously done a lot of work with his brother and John needed to show him some appreciation for that but right now Dean’s upturned face and slick, parted lips were demanding all of his father’s attention. John unsnapped his jeans and lowered the zipper, shoving the worn denim down past his hips. His cock sprang free, rock hard and more than ready for Dean’s services. Soft lips immediately pressed against the head of John’s dick followed by a tongue swipe that almost had him painting Dean’s face with his spunk. He moaned as his boy’s well trained mouth suckled down the length of his shaft until that talented tongue was softly lapping at his balls. Dean’s hair bunched between John’s fingers as he pulled his son closer, forcing his thick cock through Dean’s lips and into the heaven that was his mouth. A muffled moan shivered against his flesh as Dean sucked like his father’s dick was the best thing he’d ever tasted.

Sam scrambled to his feet and took two quick steps before settling onto his knees. Dropping his chin on Dean’s shoulder, he slotted his cock between Dean’s ass cheeks and began to roll his hips, rocking against his brother. One hand wandered Dean’s chest, pinching and twisting his nipples while the other slapped the flogger lightly against the head of Dean’s cock.

John growled out a breath and wrapped his hand tighter in Dean’s hair, groaning as choked cries shivered against his flesh.   “Fuck, Sammy,” he gasped. “Not that I’m complaining, but what the hell?”

Sam smirked and sucked a bruise into the back of Dean’s shoulder, still riding the crease of his brother’s ass. “Got home from school the other day and he was just standing by the kitchen, looking at the floor. Expecting me to go to him.”

“Nnnnnngh,” John groaned, lost for a moment as Dean tongued a particularly sensitive spot. “And?”

“And I punished him for not meeting me at the door with a welcome home kiss. And then I punished him some more for not telling me how much he missed me while I was away. And then, oh, fuck…” Sam stilled, burying his face against Dean’s shoulder as come spattered his brother’s back. “And then,” he panted, looking up at his father with a little grin, “I did my trig homework and wrote a five thousand word essay while he sucked my dick until he could convince me that he was enjoying it as much as I was.”

John always demanded enthusiasm from Dean, in the cock sucking area anyway, but he had to admit that Sam had gotten his brother’s oral skills honed to a whole ‘nother level. If John’s dick was encased in shrink wrap it couldn’t possibly have been squeezed tighter than in the gobbling suction beyond Dean’s succulent lips.

The strangled, smothered sounds vibrating against John’s flesh increased in tempo and volume as Sam, his own orgasm tended to, devoted all his attention to punishing his brother. Dean’s face soaked with sweat and tears and drool, mouth stretched wide around a cock, was one of John’s favorite sights and tonight his boy looked particularly sublime. Only one thing could make it better. Two fingers tapped Dean’s cheek and the achingly good suction came to a halt. One look at Dean’s eyes and John could see he knew what was coming but he remained still, cradling his father’s cock in his mouth. Another tap and Dean’s lips relaxed, allowing John to slip free.

“Keep that mouth open,” John warned, though Dean made no move to close it. Sam scuttled out and behind his father, tucking himself in and zipping up as he angled for a good view.   John latched onto Dean’s hair and tilted his head back. Two hard strokes was all it took and John stepped back, groaning in satisfaction. Come speckled Dean’s hair, ran in rivulets down his face and coated his tongue with glistening white.

“So fucking hot,” Sam said, blowing out a long breath.

John reached down to grip Dean’s shoulder, shifting the boy on his knees until he faced the kitchen. “Don’t move,” John warned. “And don’t you fucking dare swallow until I tell you to. You understand?”

Dean nodded imperceptibly and John cuffed him lightly before heading for the kitchen. “We’ll take a nice long shower after supper- clean you all up. Something smells great, Sammy. What’s for dinner?”

John kept his eyes on Dean while he ate the meal his eldest had prepared before Sam got home from school. Kid’s ass had to be back in shape by now and John would give him a thorough examination in the shower. Sammy had waited long enough. If the snow kept Sam out of school tomorrow he’d get Dean early. If not, he’d get him late. Either way, Sam was fucking his brother before the day was over.


slash, blowjobs, sam/dean, bottom!dean, john, dark!fic, wincest, underage, dark sam, dean, torture, john/dean, bondage, sam, nc/17

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