Title: Need
Character: Dean
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Word count: 100
Episode tag for 10.10. Also fills the prompt: 'train' at the SPN 100 challenge on ff.net
According to the scribe of God, to remove the Mark Dean needs the Blade. Well, isn’t that fucking awesome. Dean’s already jonesing. His fingers itch to hold it- reach for it in sleep. Metatron wants to talk need? Dean could recite chapter and verse on the subject.
He can’t ride that train again though, not when it’s so likely to jump the tracks. He’s fighting as hard as he can, but the Mark is pulling him inexorably into violence and bloodshed. If the First Blade reaches his hand, the war to retain the tattered remnants of his humanity is lost.
Title: Twilight
Characters: Dean, OC
Genre: Gen
Rating: PG
Word Count: 100
Summary: Hunting's a dangerous gig.
A/N: This was written a couple of years ago for a drabble meme I did, but never put out on its own. Written for the prompts: twilight, train and never.
They’re pulling out of the station, wheels hissing against iron rails as the conductor sounds three long blasts on the whistle. It’s a mournful noise, low and hollow like a lonely spirit calling out its woe. It is, Dean thinks, exactly the sound a train full of ghosts should make.
An elderly woman sits across from him, sympathetic gaze sweeping from his blood matted hair to his mud crusted boots. “Boy,” she says, “your twilight years came on you mightly early, don’t you think?”
Dean shrugs. “It was a dangerous gig,” he says quietly. “I never banked on reaching thirty.”