For my bb
amberdreams who wanted drabbles (and since I already owe her drabbles AND fic I figured I'd better get these done). :) She asked for: if Father Christmas was real, what do you think Dean, Sam, Crowley and Cas would each ask for this Christmas?
Now, you know that at least a few of them would be asking for not very happy things so....Merry Christmas?
Demons wish for Father Christmas to bring them shiny things just like everyone else and Crowley wants down to the bottom of his Moose tainted soul. Problem is, he’s already had his heart’s desire and it didn’t work out. At all.
It’s not fair. Dean can be subservient. Has been. Maybe Father Christmas can arrange a trip back in time. Can work his magic to put Dean In his worthy hands while gifting Alastair an axe and a new set of carving knives. Visions of Dean dance naked and bloody in Crowley’s head as he nods off on Christmas Eve.
It’s a silly season, this arbitrarily calendered celebration of the birth of Christ; one of the many things Castiel will never understand about humanity. Still, this legend of Santa Claus so prevalent in cultures across the planet intrigues him. Only the very young truly believe but their elders wish to. It doesn’t hurt to ask, he’s told and so he does.
Christmas morning finds Claire in a halfway house outside Dearborn. Castiel watches for signs that she will have the strength to start her life over a second time. If Christmas wishes don’t come true, he will always help her.
Shaving cream and a couple of skin mags. Motor oil and junk food. His heart breaking and Dean staring down hell. Merry Fucking Christmas. Sam wants more.
Dear Santa….I know it’s a lot to ask, but do you think you could give my brother’s psyche a good jerk sideways? Gift him with the sense of self worth a good man like him deserves. Take the responsibility he feels for everything (especially me) off his shoulders and let him live for himself? Maybe take the Mark too? Please?
If you do, we’ll both be better next year, I promise.
Sam Winchester
Dean gave up believing in anything long ago. There’s nothing out there. Nothing benevolent. Nothing that cares. Still he prayed to angels once or twice. He sits on the edge of his bed, arms crossed, nothing remotely resembling prayer, and sends forth his plea.
Hey, uh, yeah. This is stupid and all, but what the fu- heck, right? This isn’t for me. We both know what I deserve and it isn’t anything good. This is for Sam. I want my brother to have a life that’s not full of death and misery. Can you do that? Just…take care of Sammy?
Santa checks his list on Christmas Eve. Wishes for dolls or video games are granted. Some are more involved. A movie contract. A trip around the world. These are reviewed on a case by case basis. Some are undeserved and will get a lump of coal instead of a BFF, King of Hell or no.
There are the others, like a better life for a loved one that are a challenge. A chance meeting. A mentor appearing. A gathering to let one know how many they’ve helped. An opportunity at just the right time. At Christmas all things are possible.