Chatfest December Days 15 and 16 (no question for 17 thank goodness)

Dec 17, 2014 21:44

Well, this is going to be the shortest answer ever. If there’s an interesting story about my birth I never heard it. Or I did and I can’t remember. I may have the worst memory in history. I despair for when I get really old. In truth, my brother (older by a year) and my sister (younger by a year and a half) will be discussing something from our childhood or even our teenage years that I was present for and they will remember every detail while I will remember nothing at all about it.

My parents weren’t the most sentimental people ever either. I do know that I was born the day before my brother’s first birthday and I do remember that my mom wanted that to happen so I would have my own birthday and he would have his. As it was, we alternated birthday days when we were very young, one year we’d have our cakes on his day and the next year on mine.

My mom said I had a full head of black hair when I was born (and pictures bear this out). I was the only one of my siblings that wasn’t a cue ball for the first few months of my life. Of course, I was also the only one of my siblings who had completely white (not grey) hair by the time I was 35. If I wasn’t the spitting image of my dad’s Aunt Nelly, I’d think there was something they weren’t telling me. J

For kinkthatwinked If you could be one of the creatures from SPN, which one would you be and why?

This is so hard. While I sometimes think I would like to go on a rampage through the world, tearing people into little shreds (like people who hurt children and animals and other people, like mass murderers and those with no respect for human life) most monsters aren’t choosey about who they massacre. I would hate to be something that would indiscriminately shatter innocent families and those just going about their lives. I would hate to be like those I despise most.

That being said…if I HAD to be one of them, I would be a werewolf. Because in the words of Dean Winchester. “Werewolves are bad ass.” And maybe I would fall in with Garth and his bunch or Kate and keep on the straight and narrow.


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