Customer Service

Oct 09, 2014 23:24

Title: Customer Service
Characters: Mickey (clerk from the Gas 'n Sip), Dean
Genre: Gen
Word count: 371
Warnings: Spoilers for 10.1
kalliel announced her intention to try to write a coda to every episode this year, and a few of us jumped on the bandwagon.  Since

amber1960 and
quickreaver have ably covered the Dean and Sam angst respectively, I thought I'd go for a little humor.

Porn guy’s got good taste, Mickey thinks. That particular issue of Busty Asian Beauties had been his companion in the employee washroom during his mid morning break yesterday and those girls are smokin’.

“Hey, check out page forty-two,” he says, sliding cartons of Marlboros into wire racks behind the counter. His supervisor’s at lunch, probably for two hours as usual, the asshole, and Mickey can get away with porn fraternizing with the customers. Who aren’t supposed to get a peek at the goods without paying for them, but there’s something about this guy that makes letting him lean against the magazine rack all afternoon looking at tits seem like a really good idea. If Stanley doesn’t like it, he can fucking well deal with it when he gets back.

The eyes hidden under the brim of the dude’s ball cap don’t so much as glance in Mickey’s direction, but the pages get flipped and flipped again. Mickey knows he’s reached the right one when the magazine gets turned sideways then upside down. The guy doesn’t say anything and his rapt stare doesn’t leave the page, but he gives Mickey a thumb’s up.

Mickey grins as he moves on to reorganizing the sugar free gum. “Customer service, man, and access to porn- what Gas’n Sip is all about. Pay might suck and it might be boring as all hell, but this job does have its perks.” The bell over the door jingles and Mickey turns to greet his new customer. Maybe he’s just come for a pack of smokes. Maybe he’s going to microwave a burrito. Maybe he’s cashing in a winning lottery ticket. Mickey plays the maybe game with everyone who comes in to help relieve the stultifying monotony that makes up ninety percent of his work day. Maybe he’s going to pull a huge fucking knife and get hacked to bloody bits by porn guy in the most terrifyingly awesome way ever, doesn’t even occur to him. From this day forward, though, Mike from Bob’s Gas and Go’s story of getting held up by two dudes dressed in evening gowns will not be able to claim the title of “Most Awesome Thing to Happen to Me at Work” ever again.

humor, outside pov, demon!dean, season 10

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