Good For What Ails You

Sep 22, 2013 10:25

Title: Good For What Ails You
Characters: Dean, Sam, various OCs
Recipient: Read more... )

batcave, gen, pre-series, sick!sam, summergen, dean, wee!chesters, hurt/comfort, sam, pg

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Comments 33

fifimom September 25 2013, 11:53:00 UTC
What a great way to start my day with this wonderful story.
Thanks so very much for sharing.


tifaching September 25 2013, 23:14:59 UTC
Thank YOU so much for reading! I'm glad I could help get your day off to a good start!


apieceofcake September 25 2013, 13:39:15 UTC
This was lovely! Thank you :-)


tifaching September 25 2013, 23:15:15 UTC
Aw, thank YOU!


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tifaching September 25 2013, 23:16:44 UTC
Thank you. I'm so happy the idea works for you and that you like Mrs. Salters!


fannishliss September 25 2013, 14:17:22 UTC
One of my favorite things about Dean's time with Lisa was getting to see him cook -- we see him making an omelette and we see him grilling -- so we know that he wants to and can -- just that he usually doesn't have the options.

Whenever I'm at my local dollar store shopping for food I always think of Dean, trying to find food that will keep Sammy fed and nourished.

So I loved this story and Mrs. Salter's background and Dean's desire to make sure the bunker kitchen is well-stocked. :) I really agree with you that with Sam's health at stake, Dean would do a lot better than a couple of beers and Reese cups!

great story!


tifaching September 26 2013, 00:55:24 UTC
I've got to agree. Seeing him crack that egg into the pan was right up there with his bare feet for my favorite moments of that ep.

It must have been so hard for him. Finding good for for little money is practically impossible, especially if you don't really know what good food is.

Thank you so much!


zara_zee September 26 2013, 01:58:25 UTC
Oh! This was wonderful. It actually made me tear up a little! ;)
This is probably my favourite kind of fanfic; a writer picking up on a canon fact and then creating the back story for it! The OC you created, Mrs Salters, was just perfect and Dean's relationship with food and cooking was realistic and a little heartbreaking. The story was beautifully in character and is now and forever-more my head-canon for how Dean learned to cook! :) Beautiful piece.


tifaching September 27 2013, 03:16:48 UTC
Thank you! I heard a program on the radio today about how more and more people have no idea what to do with whole foods and all kinds of vegetables because they've never been exposed to them. The person being interviewed was running a program to teach people how to prepare foods that were totally foreign to them even though they are what most people of middle class and above are totally used to. The participants in his program would take home a bag of the ingredients they'd learned about and prepare them for a meal. It was fascinating and just made me love Mrs. Salters even more. :)


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