The Twelve Beers of Christmas

Dec 24, 2012 16:11

TITLE: The Twelve Beers of Christmas
SUMMARY: When the company that makes the beer Sam and Dean give Bobby every year for Christmas goes out of business, they have to make adjustments.
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dean, humor, gen, bobby, sam, pg

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Comments 24

tesserae_ December 24 2012, 21:27:57 UTC
This is entirely awesome! And merry Christmas to you too....


tifaching December 24 2012, 23:57:24 UTC
Thank you, I had a lot of fun writing it! Merry Christmas!


salihe December 24 2012, 22:37:56 UTC
I had a feeling that sampling the '12 beers of Christmas' wouldn't end well! =D
Your Sam, Dean, and Bobby are perfectly in character, this was a great fic!
Have a wonderful holiday!


tifaching December 24 2012, 23:58:39 UTC
LOL, yeah...Dean can hold his liquor but there's got to be a limit somewhere. :D

Oh, I'm so glad they seemed in character to you! That's always so good to hear.

Thank you so much and happy holidays to you too!


monicawoe December 24 2012, 23:58:27 UTC

We have the Wychcraft and Hobgoblin up here too around Halloween time. Too funny. Yeah I'd be down for the count after one.


tifaching December 25 2012, 00:00:31 UTC
You should check and see if you have the Elf beers. They look seriously awesome even to a non-beer drinker like me!

This liquor store has all the beer all the time. It's not quite as big as the one in the story, but I've never not found what I was looking for there.


ash_carpenter December 25 2012, 00:42:16 UTC
tifaching December 25 2012, 12:13:16 UTC
LOL, when I saw the Elf beer display I was dying laughing in the liquor store. The employees kept coming over to ask if they could help me with anything when I spent way too long wandering the beer aisle!

Haha! Golden Ferret.

Thank you, I'm so glad you liked the story!


mdlaw December 25 2012, 05:00:10 UTC
Marginally Bad Elf....I laughed out loud. m :)


tifaching December 25 2012, 12:13:46 UTC
LOL, that's one of my favorite lines. Thanks!


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