Done With Normal

Dec 17, 2012 18:48

Title: Done With Normal
Pairing: Sam/Dean
Rating: PG-13
Word count: 200- 100 for each brother.
Summary:  It turns out they're not going to be the only two people in the bar with no one to kiss at midnight.
A/N:  written for an anonymous prompter at   insmallpackages    who requested: Drabbles, wincest, SPN, New Year's resolutions.

Sam makes resolutions every New Year’s Eve.  Don’t eat all the Lucky Charms so his brother can have some, find Dad a new job so he doesn’t have to be away so much, make the soccer team, take Dean down sparring, and, every year since he turned twelve, to have a normal life.

Normal is hard when you’re in love with your big brother, but Sam repressed his way through adolescence and right out the door to Stanford.  At twenty-four, he’s done repressing and he’s done with normal.  As midnight strikes, Sam makes his resolution, breathes deeply, and kisses Dean.

Dean doesn’t do New Year’s resolutions.  He resolves the same thing every day and sticks with it; to get up and keep going.  It’s worked for him this long; he’s not going to screw with it.   The only other resolution he’s ever considered is so far off the reservation that he barely even lets himself think it.

Sam catches his eye from the next barstool, gaze sparking heat with Dean’s as he joins the crowd counting down to midnight.  Dean’s heart stutters at that look, jackhammers as Sam’s eyes drop lower.  Maybe his backup resolution isn’t so far-fetched after all.

dean, sam/dean, wincest, pg-13, first time, sam, drabble

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