(no subject)

Jul 07, 2010 21:27

we wont be on for a while because of the con so here is all the days we wont be posting

Day 7 - Favorite anime couple
Day 8 - Most epic scene ever
Day 9 - Saddest anime scene
Day 10 - Favorite slice of life anime
Day 11 - Favorite mech series

Day 7 - Favorite anime couple

Soul and Maka from Soul Eater

What a frekin sweet pairing this is, they compliment each other so well. Everything sbout this pairing is just awesome, they care so much about each other that they are willing to face death just so the other one wont get hurt. They understand each others feeling so well and even when they fight you can tell they care for one another.

Lelouch and C.C. from Code Geass

This is another epic pairing, these two work so well together. Not only are they so sexy together they have such chemisty. He's the King shes his Queen. Their relationship is just so well done. Also they kiss 2 times :D

Day 8 - Most epic scene ever

This is so hard I cant think of what is the most epic scene but some animes that had some really epic scenes are, Soul Eater, Death Note, Code Geass, Monster and Full Metal Brotherhood. These animes had some really crazy scenes that had me on the edge of my chair begging for more.

Day 9 - Saddest anime scene

Hughes funeral from Full Metal Alchemist

In both animes and the manga everytime I see this scene I have to cry. I loved Hughes and he had a beauitful family and great friends and love his life so much. It just sucks that a character as great as him had to go.

Day 10 - Favorite slice of life anime

Conventions and Cosplay

Day 11 - Favorite mech series

Code Geass all the way :D

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