5 topics to talk about
1. Twilight
2. Naruto
3. Art
4. Twins
5. Cosplay
1. Twilight
a wonderful book series it is most likey everything I love in one book. I love all the charaters Edward being my favorite. I have always love vampires and werewolves, so to read a romance, novel about a vampire was just way to perfect for someone like me to just fall in love with the. I also must say edward is too wonderful. One of the things I love most about the book is the characters relationship (Edward/Bella, Alice/Jasper, Emmett/Rose Dr. C and Emse) such beautiful love I enjoyed reading about them. Other relationships I loved was (Edwards and Alices) they had such a cute bother sister bond. (Edward, Jasper and Emmett) I loved there brotherly love, (Edward and Jacob) in the 4th book they made really good firends they were funny, (Edward and Dr.C) there was a lot of respect there, (Rose and Jacob) come on it was just funny, (Bella and Emmett) I liked to think that these too had a bit of a special bond since they both joined the family in the same way being love by a vampire while they were still human, (Jacob and Bella) when they were friends JUST friend nothing more. (Bella and Alice) they got along so well, (Jacob and Leah) I kind of wish these too would get together, (Seth and Jacob) such a loyal friendship,(Esme and Edward) it was justso sweet, and last but not lest (seth and Edawrd) teaming up to kick evil vampire butt. I can talk forever about this book so I will just stop now.
2. Naruto
Ok we need to say that the filler really sux I cant take them anymore, But than the filler we really enjoy Naruto. At 1st when one of my friends tryed to get me into it I did not want to watch it at all but then there was a marathon on cartoon network so I sat down watched it and well in love with this anime. Our top 5 favorite characters are the same but in different orders we like Sakura, Ino, Naruto, Shikamaru, Kakashi and Kiba the best. The battle in the the show are great. I love how you can see growth with most of the charaters and how others helping them change in to better people. It also helps that I really love ninja. I am really happy that VIZ is busting out those Naruto manga so we can be just as far as japan *getting really tired of spoilers* I really hope Naruto and Sakura get together in the end because that would be so cute:D
3. Art
Kim loves just looking at drawing and such and try to get me to draw more because she loves it. I love art *its a bang haha* I love drawing and panting. I must say I am not found of modern art I really think it is just stupid. Hmm I guess I just find it art enjoyable activaty. I also love going to the artist part of cons and just being amazed and what people can do.
4. Twins
Being a twin is alot of fun but then again I have no idea was it is like not to be one. Ouran host club did a good job with their twins because I really shy when I was younger because I had me twin as long as she was with me I did not need a bunch of friends *that did change as we got older same with the Host Club Twins* I must say it is really nice to have a sister your same age.
5. Cosplay
One of my most favorite of things to do. It is like halloween but 3 days and the candy is pockey haha. I love sewing so makeing the costums is both frustrating and a lot of fun. Cosplaying at cons also has its benefits by being able to participate in different events like cosplay chess just *that was too much fun the digimon killed Sakura from Card Capters but died to Kairi and Namine from Kingdom Hearts good times good time* it is just fun to dress up and act like your favorite characters and it is just too hard to choose who to pick next because I have a really long list. And what makes cosplay really fun is that 2 or sometimes all 3 of you brothers join in, same with your cousin and best friend.