Nov 13, 2007 00:13
So i just got back from leave... good week? you decide...
- broke even money wise in vegas.
- spent a week with a guy im not sure about anymore
- shopped unsuccessfully
-battled a sore throat
- came back, missed duty section muster, im expecting an ass chewing tomorrow.
- came back to birthday cards from my family
- saw the OJ fiasco
- saw my long lost friend from mississippi.
- realized i had a 400.00 phone bill, why I dont know?
- got a good on my room used to outstandings.
there are some postives in there. I did plan a trip to vegas with all my a school friends... in may that will be rediculous. Id give anything to go back to mississippi with those people again.
I decided I want to save money. I want to get a car soon. I guess ill start making this a budget lj? I get paid $501.96 tomorrow so theres the start to that.