Nov 01, 2011 22:12
I decided I needed 'texts' to cite or at least mention at some point, when needed. So I invented some; some of the authors are actual historical and famous characters in the world, such fun.
Discourses on Arcane Law and Theory by Gelwayn Melicant
Natural Arcane Law
Principles of Arcane Theory
Application of Arcane Principles
Natural Law and Arcane Craft
Melicant's books are dry and exhaustive codices of modern arcane theory and spellcraft. They form the basis of modern Kessite education for wizards.
Kestane Imperial Expedition Log by Garius Delanor
Garius Delanor's personal survey journal written while mapping lands north of the Tadrieth River for the Kestane Empire.
A History of the Republic by Sathen Fortain
This book is a heavily biased narrative of Palthazar's history and rise as a state. It includes commentary on neighboring regions and states as they relate to Palthazar and a "historical overview" of the Free Ranges and the conflict with Avagon.
The Free Ranges and Its Peoples by Morat Renthorn
This is a fairly unbiased study of the history of the Free Ranges, its city-states and what is known of the nomads living in the region.
Doric's Tales by Adrel Binn
A collection of stories and narrative poems written about the adventures of a steely muscled Ikaran "barbarian" in southern Seelen and abroad; described as Binn's masterwork - though giving the volume that status is dubious. (I created this one to poke fun at Conan stories, I may even, if I ever feel up to it, write one or two of the stories in this "book")
Discourses on Arcane Disciplines by Jakir Melicant
Jakir's preeminent work detailing various arcane disciplines from alchemy to necromancy and the only finished book Gelwayn's grandson produced before disappearing. It is not as heavily used in study and teaching as Gelwayn's works.
The Lore and History of Seelen and Its Peoples by Evalie Gaerazena
Gaerazena's book is a massive compilation of history and lore centered on Seelen. It attempts to chronicle known pre-colonial history as well as the history of the Colonial Empire and the various peoples involved in exhaustive detail. The volume is broken into six era-specific books, only one of which deals with non-human communities.
Exotic Cultures, Intelligences and Beasts by Kyrill Torr
An introductory volume of natural philosopher Kyrill Torr's studies of non-human cultures found throughout Seelen and a basic catalogue of unique creatures found in the wilds.
(This last one was the most fun. My world now has its own "necronomicon" to be used as I see fit.)
Darkweaver's Grimoire or "Rakaath's Black Book" by Rakaath Seslyret
The Darkweaver's Grimoire is a collection of dark lore, spells, rituals, legends and accounts of nefarious beasts and figures drawn from all corners of the world. Written by an ancient rhosan mystic - exactly how the author draws from such a vast assortment of cultures is a mystery. The book makes reference to other texts that are either long-lost or simply forgotten and makes extensive use of quotations from various holy texts that pre-date the Kestane Empire. Translations of the book from its native Reglith-an into archaic forms of other common languages are distressingly common, as are "abridged" iterations of the original text, and can be found in personal collections, government libraries and religious archives. The text itself is generally reviled, even declared illegal in some states and destroyed for containing dangerous knowledge. Even fragments of the complete text are the prized possessions of occultists, dark mages and historians. It is perhaps the only text to be declared anathema by virtually every major religion on Seelen and abroad. The exact age and origin of the text is impossible to determine and Rakaath even writes that, "the mysteries within have been culled from scraps of moldering scrolls found in the darkest vaults of forgotten antiquity - themselves only copies of knowledge from blackest immemorial history."