So it's been, what, two years? I figure I might as well dust this out and see who's still around...
Yes, it's Coman here, bored, in Bunbury, and on the net again. Beware.
So what have I been doing?
Well, I'm teaching maths in Bunbury, and really loving it. I'm teaching Intro Calc this year (WHOO) so I get to do actual interesting and semi-challenging maths, it's great fun.
Still single, not really looking, Bunbury's not the easiest place in the world to find someone I'm looking for :P
Playing lots of Conquer Club - - go have a look, play up to 4 games on online risk at a time without paying anything, or $20 per year for infinite games. Lots of fun, if anyone actually plays already, drop me a pm. User - Tieryn
Have been playing in a band called Schnapsadidium on and off for a while. Did a concert a while ago and have a recording of it. Will rip and upload here soon. Some of the songs I sung are lyriced below, some are new. It feels great to have something creative I've done recorded. I've never had that before, and it really feels fantastic. We've sort of split at the moment, but I'm hoping to be able to sing with them again soon. Pretty cool bunch of guys.
Anyway, that's me for now, please drop me a line and let me know all about how everything is doing with you!
Look forward to hearing from you :)