Survey (stolen from Hibba) or philosophy reading... tough choice

Nov 06, 2005 09:45

would you rather....

1) pierce your nose or tongue?: don't like piercing at all. If I had to choose one of those I would go nose
2) be serious or be funny?: I wanna be both :(
3) drink whole or skim milk?: whole milk out of taste preference. In tea semi-skimmed, and in practice usually semi-skimmed for the ol' waistline
4) simple or complicated?: huh? as in be simple of complicated. Hard. I think complicated.

* . . . D O. Y O U. P R E F E R . . . *

5) flowers or angels?: Flowers

7) color or black-and-white photos? Depends. I quite like black and white actually, but not that I would want all photos to be b&w

8) lust or love?: Love.

9) sunrise or sunset?: sunset, just I think. Possibly cos its rarer to see a sunrise

10) M&Ms or Skittles?:Toughie toughie. Depends if i'm in a chocolate or a fruit mood.

11) rap or rock?: roooockk

12) staying up late or waking up early? both usually at the moment. I think my personal preference would be waking up early, but there is something nice about being up and awake very late at night.

13) TV or radio?: TV

15) eating apples or oranges?: Apples. fucking hate oranges. (I like the fact I don't have to change that many of Hibba's answers... lazy me)

* . . . A N S W E R. T R U T H F U L L Y . . .*

16) do you have a crush? Only on my boyfriend, so it doens't count to quite the same extent I supoose.

17) do they know it? I hope so

* . . . D O .Y O U. P R E F E R . . . *

18) being hot or cold?: too cold

19) tall or short members of the opposite sex? Average-ness. Tall people scare me. Ditto short people.

20) sun or moon?: Hmmm. Moon maybe just

21) emeralds or rubies? Hmmmmmm, toughie. Rubies possbily just

22) left or right? Right. Left-handers = the devil's work

23) having 10 acquaintances or 1 best friend? one best friend

24) sun or rain? hmm, probs rain

25) vanilla ice cream or chocolate ice cream? hmmm vanilla probably, just.

26) guys or girls? guys, in pretty much every possible sense. Girls are nasty.

27) green beans or carrots: carrots

28) low fat or fat free? randomness. not sure i have an opinion. I mean, like some products are meant to be fat free, and you shouldnt have everything fat free. I dont know. Weird

* . . . A B O U T. Y O U . . . *

What time is it? 09:33

Name? Hannah

* . . . W H A T .D O .Y O U .W A N T . . . *

Where do you want to live? a cotttage or a charatcer-filled rambling old house, somewhere remote, windswept and hopefully looking out to sea

How many kids do you want? several. exact numbers dont spring to mind. five or more maybe

What kind of job do you want? one I like. I would like to be a writer more than any thing I think. Or run a book/tea shop.

1. Nervous habits? playing with my hair, stroking my nose and ears

2. Are you double jointed? nope

3. Can you roll your tongue? No

5. Can you blow spit bubbles? yeah

6. Can you cross your eyes? Yes.

8. Do you make your bed daily? try to


9. Which shoe goes on first? never really thought about it, but assume the right one

10. Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at someone? don't think so.

11. On the average, how much money do you carry in your wallet? at a time? £20 or less usually. I would guess average about 7 or 8 pounds

12. What jewelry do you wear? A silver Swatch watch and a thin silver necklace. I used to wear a tiny little silver ring on my right hand, but I lost it last week :( And before that I wore the white gold ring from Dubai which the stone then fell out of.

13. Favorite piece of clothing? hmmm. I like my red Zara trench coat a lot. And my purple gypsy skirt, also from there but its not so wintery. Oh my black elle trousers. Best black trousers ever.

14. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Twirl

15. Have you ever eaten Spam? hahahhaha no.

17. How many kinds of cereal are in your cabinet? here, just shredded wheat. At stephen's I think there are 3 and at my parent's I think there are maybe 3 also.

18. What's your favorite beverage? tesco's cherry fizz, which the bastards discontinued

19. What's your favorite restaurant? I dont know :( Cafe Coco maybe

20. Do you cook? yes

21. Hair drying method? au naturel

22. Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair/what color? yes, i used to die it reddy colours quite often when I was younger. And I have twice dyed it black for fancy dress occassions.


24. Do you swear? yes

25. Do you ever spit? no

26. You cook your own dinner? depends. at uni usually, unless i go to hall. At home, increasingly rarely because Stephen doesn't let me

25. You do your own chores? yes, well to some extent. We have people to hoover our rooms and change our bed linen at uni.

26. You got laid today? nope

27. You like beef jerky? i like biltong, which is the infinitely more superior version

28. You own more than one brush? Yes

29. Your favorite color(s): red

30. you plan on going to college?: im at uni currently

31. You're completely broke right now? effectively yes. i still have overdraft left though

32. You're happy with your hair? Not always. cant really do anything with it

33. You own a dog? nope

34. You spend your money wisely? hmm not as wisely as i could do

34. Always making new friends? no, im quite shy

36. You like to swim? yes. love it

37. You get bored so you take a shower? no cant say so

38. You're patient? not really

39. Your fav number? not sure i have one. 6. there you go

40. your fav quote? don't know either. am not in a decisive mood this morning.....


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