New things in life...

Nov 03, 2006 16:54

So, I have a new thing in my life that is taking a little more time to get started than I thought.

But don't dismay, I will not be letting go of the old things: SCA, Gaming, friends, wife...

The rest will be a rant.... so I'll cut from

Ok,  so your ok with hearing a rant from me?    Good...

Subject: Ghost hunting
I grew up in an extremely haunted house. These happenings went on from 1970 till today and probably are still continuing.  
+When my mother was pregnant with me, something tried to push her down the cellar stairs
+Visiters would see a cat dart through the house and disappear (we didn't own one)
+We had footsteps that were heard walking up the stairs and down the hall
+My mother seen me (as clear as day) looking at her from inside the house one day when I was at school
+electronics turned themselves on (things impressive like finding the pressed button on an old tape recorder down playing a cassette
+a spot on my parents bed that bent in from time to time as if someone was sitting there
+cold spots, warm spots, breezes, things showing up somewhere else when we knew they weren't there before.....

These are some off the top of my head.
If you know me...or read my journal front page, you may know that I am more than a little religious.
In high school, my 2 proffessions I wanted to do were Minister and Parapsycologist.
I went to college for my batchlers in psychology major and sociology minor to get into seminary.  This came to an end after 1 year....

new subject: Doug
I was a practicing witch in Jr. high school and fell in with a satanic cult by high school.  
As I was always pushing the envolope to learn and do more things, I ran into a guy named Doug.  Doug was a Christian Mystic.  I challenged him to a duel of faith and power.  He refused, but I started without him.  I got my butt kicked, and he did nothing....  That was the first time I met his God. 
Doug was in college to be a monk ordaned priest.  I immediately asked him to teach me about his practice, his faith, his power, and his God.
He aggreed, and we became more than just friends... We were of the same spirit, brothers maybe.  (I still dream of him watching over me from time to time)
Too long....   (shortening)
Doug and I worshiped the same God, religion, and spirit. We were both practicing Christian mystics.....  God became the most important thing in my life.
It was a July that my parents came  to pick me up from the boy scout camp I was working at all summer.

Doug had hung himself .....

Noone knew why....  (I have a theory, but thats, maybe, another post)

My faith was shattered....   I just about failed out of college....  
And I decided that I did not want to live any longer.  So I attempted USMC suicide. I joined the marines in the infantry to fight and die....

It didn't work.

My interest in the supernatural was still strong and I continued to investigate cemetaries and "haunted houses". I wanted to learn what this and that world was.  Is this where we go after death? Are these other beings?

In the mean time my life ran on autopilot... but my faith started to strengthen and I began practicing Mysticizm again.
I also found the SCA and several other great hobbies...

Too long....   (shortening again)

Since then I've gotten a wonderful wife whom I love dearly....  (poor her..)
+we move to NC
+we found a great SCA group
+we found some great friends
+Jenn has a good job 
+we have been getting our bills under control
+we have an expert gaming group

All this is great, and has brought me back to life again.

But something that has always been with me through out my life has been: God, and my curiosity of the supernatural....

Lately I have found a ghost hunting group that seems to want to be a serious scientific investigation group.
It's hard to find help in a altenative science like ghost hunting (investigating)

I am sorry if any of you are feeling second best, left out , or ignored. Left me assure you, you are not forgotten or loved less.
I will not, and have no thought of quitting the SCA or the gaming group.

Just remember...
In some ways I am truely Tiernen, in other ways I am still Tom

But friends and loved ones you will always be.....
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