Title: Third Time Lucky
Chapter: 6. A Little Bit of Scandal
Fandom: Glee
Pairing: Karofsky/Kurt
Rating: R (for pRofanity)
Word Count: 7,577
Warnings: STUFF, omg
Summary: Somehow the dead heat of summer gives rise to the mother(fucker) of all second chances. The road to redemption is paved with fights, phone calls, false starts, and more than a few
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See, Tool is one of those bands that I never listen to because it's associated with Fuel and Three Doors Down and Creed and Linkin Park in my head solely because my dad listened to those bands for YEARS and ruined them for me. But now, I'm kind of kicking myself. I started listening to it and was like, oh wow, I actually kind of like this, it isn't like my dad's usual music at all! ...In fact, it's kind of like A Perfect Circle and I love them. I'll tell tierfal this! And then I got suspicious because it sounded TOO much like A Perfect Circle, so I looked it up and uh- realized they have the same vocalist.
The point of that comment is that I now kind of want to listen to more Tool. I'll pretend that I'm trying not to make a comment about how vetoing Tool just because my dad listened to it kind of makes me feel like a tool. Because puns are silly. Or something.
Shit, I'm tired.
They kissed though! Karofsky must work on his timing a bit more- and while he's at it, get around to actually asking Kurt if he can kiss him. And there was Finn and Kurt brotherly action! More than normal! And Halo!
And I know that there was something else I wanted to mention, but for the life of me I can't remember what it is. RAIN CHECK.
It took me a long time to realize that Chris Cornell does the vocals for Soundgarden as well as Audioslave. And. For. his solo career, obviously. And tgh, "Sober" is the only Tool song I have, and "Weak and Powerless" is the only APC song I have, because I am a huge n00b.
I love puns. But I love you more. ♥
I could tell you were tired, bb. :< I hope you have slept very, very well in the meantime. *tucks in* ♥
omg, Dave, a simple, "Hey, so… what do you think of this idea?" would probably have saved you from a great deal of Kurt!anger. That silly boy.
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