Title: Sweeter Dreams
Part: 4
Fandom: Merlin
Pairing: Arthur/Merlin
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 9,465
Warnings: occasional language, generally mild violence
Summary: Following a rather different ending to 2.10 ("Sweet Dreams"), Merlin and Arthur head to Olaf's kingdom of Valden to put things right. In the process, Merlin racks up an impressive
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Harper would have made an excellent choice too, but I'm glad the Collette plot came out to satisfaction! :D And hahaha, I think Merlin has conditioned Camelot to expecting the worst. Not to mention the fact that they get attacked by hellish monsters, like, once a week, and all... XD
I think as soon as Arthur realized Merlin's magic was another way to kill things, all the other centers of his brain shut down. :'D Got to love that boy's priorities, yes! XD
I struggled with that whole portion more than a bit, so I'm doubly glad you enjoyed it -- when I started out going, "Okay, final battle time," the only thing I knew was that Vivian would be the one to finish Trickler off. XD
Eee, I'm so glad you had such a good time with it!! :D My extremely long-suffering beta and I love you, too! 8D
P.S. I think that's just me using words weird semi-on-purpose, heh. XD
P.P.S. Absolutely, if you want to put yourself through the agony! ;) I would love to hear what you do with it, so definitely go right ahead. I'm flattered! :D (And take your time; I still haven't found and linked to the other various podfics that should get appreciated around here... :x)
...I hope this helps; I'm awful at explaining pronunciations. ^^;
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