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xD i love her!! so pretty, adorable and a hellava good singer. go look at her other covers, i love the stuff she sings! man i wish i had a girlfriend like that.
anyway, haven't really talked normally in a while.. haha magic online is so addicting, i deleted it cuz otherwise i'd keep thinking about it at work... bleargh.
haha crap, i have to choreograph 2 items now in mdc. lol i used to bemoan not being able to choreo anything, but now suddenly i have to choreo 2 items..
well potentially 2 items anyway. i have to do this duet dance with another female dancer, and haha its intimidating, but exciting also. my head is already buzzing with ideas, although i'd prefered to have choreoed my proposed item first, since i worked out alot for it already. but my boss's gna judge how i fare on my duet before he gives me the go ahead for my proposed item.
i proposed it for a roadshow, like a 3 minute thing with just 4 dancers, but now my boss wants to expand it to 8 dancers. supposedly for a original concept show, so instead of an item in a list of 5-6 items for a roadshow, its gna be marketed as just one item. so yea its supposed to be big.. lol definitely intimidated by that, but still quite excited, although i'd prefer to work with just a small group of dancers. buuuttt, there's still a chance that my boss won't approve of my proposed item though, so i hope i don't get dissapointed..